
Георгий Ильин's Diary Comments

Diary Comments added by Георгий Ильин

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Belarus in Belarusian + bilingual / trilingual / quadrilingual names in Europe

Приветик ))

I’ve received quite a lot of messages in various languages. I will reply to them later. Sorry guys. )))

I am a user and a Galileo user. I use those apps in Russian. On, I see names only in Russian. Although I drive quite often to Belarus, I couldn’t see the names in Belarusian. I do not speak Belarusian at all, so I cannot figure out how it is written.

I discovered only recently that is based on Openstreetmap, and that you can edit that. I found Jay May’s comment, and I talked to a couple of other (Russian) users and they encountered the same problem. That is why I decided to participate, although I am quite slow with this kind of things )))

The names in Russian have to be let in name:ru. If you notice the name in Russian does not appear at all, please add it if it exists. But “name:be” and “name” must be the same.

@LLlypuk82 - neither you neither I can change roadsign installation in Belarus, so our mission is to reflect that how it looks in reality. The tag “name:ru” allows all users like me (Russian) to look for the places in Russian. Once we find the village/town name in Russian, we can see them immediately in Belarusian whatever the app. If the main name appears in Belarusian, OSM-based apps do not show the Belarusian names appearing on the roadsigns, and that confuses everyone who is not from Belarus.

Belarus in Belarusian + bilingual / trilingual / quadrilingual names in Europe

Guys, if you need help I will do that with you. I don’t promise I will do that quickly (you know, work …), but just give me a sign when you start and I will help.

Belarus in Belarusian + bilingual / trilingual / quadrilingual names in Europe

I am from Russia. I am quite new to this, but as Ambush said, this is confusing for me when I drive to Belarus (very often!) and OSM and OSM apps like show me only the Russian name, without its Belarusian equivalent. As Jay May said, even Yandex uses Belarusian names as main. I do not know who had decided about everything being in Russian, but if they are Russian, they only bring confusion to us …