
Abbe98's Diary Comments

Diary Comments added by Abbe98

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2 years of overpass turbo

The MapCSS feature was new for my knowledge! :-)

Learn-a-tag: leisure=fitness_station

I first used this just a few days ago, I think I added some other tags too be covering all implantations.

CLC06 Import Cleanup

So 25 hours, that’s the time it would take me to remap it by hand…

I decided to delete the main multipolygons, I have deleted one right now, it took some hours because of all conflicts, now I’m mapping the removed forests by hand in smaller parts. When I have mapped the removed forests I will remove the second multipolygon. and do the same.

Note that my cleanup just applies to the two main multipolygons, as the smaller areas/multipolygons can be handled in editors such as iD.

New mapping addict

I so wish I was in Tasmania right now for the WOC. I have been doing the same here in Nyköping Sweden, it takes time and I love it ;-)

CLC06 Import Cleanup

The thing about deleting the two major multipolygons is that the import is two years old and it has been a lot of work made to it. So splitting it would keep the good parts from being removed as well.

Nyköping status completed!

@zorac I wasn’t aware of this. Do you know why the zoom level is limited?

Nyköping status completed!

@escada I didn’t quote the entire status state, one ways, turn restrictions and counting is mapped… The entire Wiki(at least most of it) is static and it requires a active community just as entire OSM project. About new mappers I can see a major issue with the static status tables, maybe a automated overpass “status check” could be a alternative? Has been considering working on something like that… Right now I think the status tables is great as they set goals for local mappers…

@Zorac the Mapbox Satellite Imagery is almost useless in major parts of Sweden because Mapbox is only using open licensed imagery and here we have almost none of it thanks to laws… For example if you want to publish your own imagery you haft to first ask the defense authorities.