
Alex McKee's Diary

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Cotswold AONB

Posted by Alex McKee on 4 July 2009 in English.

In 2000 the Government said that AONBs effectively had the same status as national parks. With this in mind I want to ensure that these beautiful parts of the country are represented in OSM. However there's no source for the AONB boundary.

I've begun adding the Cotswold AONB boundary from my own, slightly fuzzy, knowledge of where it lies. As an environmental campaigner I keep an eye on what's going on in local housing decisions. A few years ago Stroud District Council controversially approved Hunts Grove, a major development at Colethrop on the edge of Gloucester. This was allowed to go ahead but it was additionally controversial as the boundary of the AONB lies on Haresfield Lane.

From such cases I know where the boundary lies around the edge of Gloucester - but much beyond Stonehouse or Cheltenham I have no idea. With the Cotswolds being the largest of the AONBs, I really need help on this one.

That's why I'm taking advantage of this, my OSM user blog, to help get the word out a bit.

Anyone interested in adding bits of the Cotswolds AONB please see the Cotswolds page on the Wiki: