
Alex Rollin's Diary

Recent diary entries

New to OSM

Posted by Alex Rollin on 5 April 2012 in English.

I’ve been diving into the toolset during the last week. I’m slowly recreating the index to the wiki with links to pages I use often. I’m now wanting to “do one area right” so I can really get a sense of what is involved.

Along the way I am chatting with Emir about my experience. He’s already helped to produce a number of useful tutorial documents.

My concern, at this moment, is mostly with Bogor, so, this is an invitation to anyone listening to please drop by and sign up if you are interested in helping to trace the routes in our small city.

My hope is to collect together the youtube videos that are useful, and to produce additional screencasts as necessary in order that our bogor area is well populated with landuse areas and properly tagged roads. From that point the addition of the angkot routes and other features, including buildings, will be much easier.

Thank you so very much to the large OSM community that has put in so much work to make this amazing resource available.

Alex Rollin on the OSM Wiki

Location: 6.607, 106.805