1. Cycle Paths within Nexton, Bear Island Road Cycle Paths, Berkeley Circle Sidewalks

    Closed · #141186237
  2. Removed Berlin G Myers as a "Bicycle" Street. This street has very little sidewalks and most people should use the sawmill branch trail to bike for that section of the parkway instead.

    Closed · #134038816
  3. Corrected Sawmill Branch Trail Entrance so that bicycles can navigate

    Closed · #133539552
  4. Berlin G Myers Phase 3 Construction added

    Closed · #133464650
  5. Added new Old Folks Home next to seacoast that adds new connections, added alternate entrance to Gahagan Road

    Closed · #133464362
  6. Added residential Sawmill Branch Trail connections, including major issues that caused the trail not to be used by navigation apps. Also added numerous neighborhood trail entrances and connected East Richardson trailhead to downtown summerville proper.

    Closed · #133388271