
Chrysopras's Diary Comments

Diary Comments added by Chrysopras

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Mapeamento das aldeias e lugares de Portugal

Hello ViriatoLusitano,

thank you for your anwser! Well, the question is not only about the permission. As far as I understand, there are at least two more things which are questionable related to the mentioned changeset:

  • Adding data to OSM in this way is probably to be considered as an import, according to the description in the OSM wiki with its various sub-pages. In the past, many imports — which seemed very reasonable and useful at the first glance — later turned out to be problematic. This is why it seems wise to follow closely the import guidelines, especially to discuss any import first on the special imports mailing list and to document the import in the OMS wiki.

  • The other problem is the data structure. Normally, in OSM borders share their lines; e.g., if the borders of two different admin levels touch each other, the relations for both borders use the same line segment. Especially we avoid “approximative” touching borders, in which the two borders only touch more or less in some points and may even cross each other. But this is what happened in the mentioned changeset. To avoid this, more pre-processing of the data is necessary before actually putting it into the OSM database.

But I am no “the borders specialist”, of course ;–), just an ordinary mapper. I just wanted to leave a short notice here in order to put your attention to the discussion about that changeset. The people enganged in the discussion there are the experts, and even more the people on the special imports mailing list.

Best regards, Chrysopras

Mapeamento das aldeias e lugares de Portugal

Hello ViriatoLusitano,

this is a wonderful how-to! However, in the discussion about a changeset which follows this approach, serious problems have been identified.

Therefore it would be wise to stop importing more data following these instructions until the problems mentioned there have been discussed and solved.

Best regards,

Chrysopras (just another mapper)

Entwicklerteam der OpenTopoMap wächst

Gratulation, vielen Dank an Max (maxbe) und alle guten Wünsche für die Zusammenarbeit für das ganze Team!

Die bessere Ausrichtung von Pässen und Sätteln ist eine weiterer schöner Punkt, der meine Vorliebe für OpenTopoMap als die für mich und meinen Geschmack beste generelle Darstellung der OpenStreetMap-Daten bestätigt.

Weekly roundup - common errors and unexplained edits observed

Thank you for reverting bad changesets and correcting inconsistent data! The bigger OSM grows, the more we need to protect the existing data from corruption.

Mein Beitrag zu OSM

Ein tolles und durchaus ehrgeiziges Arbeitsprogramm! Vielen Dank und v.a. viel Erfolg bei der Umsetzung, beste Grüße nach Gampern – Chrysopras

Improving the OSM map - Why don't we? [4]

“Every colour that is painted or printed is CMYK.”

Hm, well, this is not true. In printed books, newspapers, etc., most colours are printed with CMYK colours (however, in high-quality priniting, there can be spot colours, so even for printing the CMYK rule is not always true). But the colours (tints) used for painting the walls of buildings are completely different, they can be mixed from many available colours and can cover much more of the RGB colour room than CMYK colours in printing.


Für Baden-Württemberg stellt uns das dortige Landesamt für Geoinformation und Landentwicklung (LGL, siehe ähnliche Daten zur Verfügung.

Für das Nachzeichnen von Hausumrissen und Straßen sowie das Ablesen von Hausnummern sind diese völlig verzerrungs- und offset-freien Karten sehr nützlich, ebenso für viele Landschafts-Phänomene (im Wald verlaufende Bäche etwa, die man auf den Luftbildern kaum erkennt und auch per GPS nur mit Gummistiefeln :–) erfassen kann, sind jetzt sehr leicht nachzuzeichnen).

In JOSM kann man die Kartenvorlage des LGL unter Datei > Einstellungen > WMS/TMS > „Verfügbare Standardeinträge“ > „DE: Maps4BW (LGL-BW,“ aktivieren und danach jederzeit einfach aus dem Menü „Hintergrund“ auswählen.

Leider scheint diese Vorlage unter den hiesigen Mappern noch nicht allgemein bekannt zu sein – viele zeichnen immer noch Luftbilder nach, obwohl sie mit den Maps4BW eine oft viel genauere Vorlage hätten …

Was könnte man tun, um Mapper allgemein auf diese Daten (Landesvermessungsamt NRW und LGL-BW) aufmerksam zu machen?

OSM-Fehlerbereinigung mit - Anleitung

Hallo poppei82,

vielen Dank für deine Fehlerbereinigungs-Anleitung! Ich habe mich vor kurzen selbst in die von gelieferten Fehlertypen und ihre Behebung eingearbeitet, aber deine Anleitung ist ein tolles Kompendium, das mir (hätte ich es gleich entdeckt …) manches erleichtert hätte, und das mir auf jeden Fall bei den etwas exotischeren bzw. schwerer zu behebenden Fehlermeldungen hilft. Also vielen Dank und beste Grüße,


Some map improvements in Bodenseekreis, Baden-Württemberg, Germany

Two postscripts to my previous comments:
1) Sorry for the typos – I was in a hurry but wanted to respond quickly.
2) I have added an addendum to the blog entry above for clarification.

Some map improvements in Bodenseekreis, Baden-Württemberg, Germany

Hello sdoerr, LivingWithDragons, Richard and jaltux,

thank you very much from your comments. But you don’t need to shout at me (“O, NO, NO!!”: I understand the uppercase letters as crying ;-).

I have not done anything illegal, I know well about the German copyright law concerning maps. I just made some errors in my wording — sorry for that! When I wrote “The sources for all these changes are a) printed maps and town maps […]”, I did NOT mean that I had copied any maps or parts of maps. I just meant that I took a look at some printed maps to double-check if my notes, my memory and my intepretation of my own photographs and of the Bind aerial imagery are correct. There can’t be anything illegal about such a quick look at some map, at least according to German copyrigth law.

Therefore, as I did not copy anything from any map, we don’t need to remove “any changes [I] have already made that were based on other maps”. I’m sorry again for my wrong wording and will give better descriptions of the sources for any edits I will do in future.