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Deanna Earley's Notes

Notes submitted or commented on by Deanna Earley

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Id Creator Description Created at Last changed
closed 567956 Deanna Earley

Residential building site. The ground has just been cleared so far.

open 567955 Deanna Earley

The Mount hospital has been redeveloped into a retirement village.

closed 595573

Wrong turn:

This error is submitted from Navmii GPS.

closed 74903

The train station pictogram is missing here,45.283333&q=loc:31.316667,45.283333&hl=en&t=h&z=12

closed 3950370 Deanna Earley

Very rough position, and not sure of the exact position it exits to the road.

closed 3950371 Deanna Earley

VERY rough positioning on this path from an oblique photo

closed 547125 markthegeek

Roundabout redesign and going to become traffic lighted.

closed 162824 Deanna Earley

This road has been replaced with a much straighter, direct road, but needs a survey for the correct details.

open 301067 SomeoneElse

Need to resurvey exactly how the gate, stile fences and hedge relate to each other here. As left be a previous mapper a footpath was disjointedly connected to the eastern hedge. I've put it back how I remember it, but the gate and stile may be the other way around. Also the "landuse=railway" to the west of here is still vastly overestimated - needs a proper survey from the footpath to the south. Also the mineral line to the colliery needs locating on the main road by GPS to align properly.

closed 548914 Deanna Earley

A second covered reservoir was built here a few years ago.

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