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Dmithry's Notes

Notes submitted or commented on by Dmithry

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Id Creator Description Created at Last changed
open 2753414 Dmithry

The driver said that it was impossible to drive along this road. Perhaps there are restrictions on travel or dimensions on it?

closed 2715895 Dmithry

Hello world, can you tell me if it is possible to travel here?

open 2727660 Dmithry

Can you please tell me if there is an unobstructed through passage of cars here?

open 2751962 Dmithry

The driver reported that it was impossible to travel along this road. Perhaps this is a private road or there are barriers on it. Can anyone confirm?

open 2757027 Dmithry

The driver reported that it was impossible to travel along this road. Perhaps this is a private road or there are barriers on it. Can anyone confirm?

open 2883517 Dmithry

The user reported the barrier here. Can anyone confirm this?

open 2746233 Dmithry

Could you please tell me if unhindered passage is possible here?

closed 2724782 Dmithry

Can you please tell me if there is a gate or an unobstructed passage?

closed 2747537 Dmithry

Could you clarify the access to this road? Our driver was unable to pass.

closed 2725253 Dmithry

Can you please tell me if there is an unobstructed passage here?

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