
Fabsdo's Notes

Notes submitted or commented on by Fabsdo

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Id Creator Description Created at Last changed
closed 2952510 Fabsdo

Unable to answer "What kind of building is this?" for via StreetComplete 38.0:

zu nr. 11

closed 2943406 Fabsdo

Unable to answer "What kind of building is this?" for via StreetComplete 38.0-beta1:

Teil von Hausnummer 20

open 2941561 Fabsdo

Unable to answer "How many levels above the basement does this building have?" for via StreetComplete 38.0-beta1:

liegt das Gebäude unterirdisch? wenn ja ist es Teil der ÖPNV Station

closed 2939895 Fabsdo

Unable to answer "What is the name of this place? (Fast Food)" for via StreetComplete 37.2:

Teil einer Haltestelle

closed 2936310 wkdgs

Könnte nochmal jemand prüfen, ob hier immer noch gebaut wird? Falls ja, sollte ein check_date hinzugefügt werden.

closed 2939400 Fabsdo

Unable to answer "Does this crosswalk have tactile pavings on both sides?" for via StreetComplete 37.2:

not a crossing, but a driveway

closed 2939399 Fabsdo

Unable to answer "What kind of crossing is this?" for via StreetComplete 37.2:

keine Kreuzung, sondern Einfahrt

closed 106200 Cato_d_Ae

Moved from OSB ID549983:hier sind Treppen und ein kleiner Vorplatz [NoName, 2010-07-24 03:15:34 CEST]

closed 1404374 Fabsdo

Unable to answer "What surface does the road Rainer-Maria-Rilke-Straße have here?" for via StreetComplete 5.2:

Straßenoberfläche besteht abschnittsweise aus Pflaster und Asphalt

closed 1255614 Scharfi

Unable to answer "How many levels does this building have?" for via StreetComplete 3.2:

ist kein Gebäude sondern ein Stahlgestänge für Ausstellungen

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