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Jokobus's Notes

Notes submitted or commented on by Jokobus

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Id Creator Description Created at Last changed
open 2706811

Crestview Elementary School is now Vista Adult School

open 4275280 Jokobus

Alta Vista Botanical Garden. I was there and afterwards added most of the paths as good as I was able to. However, there is still improvement needed. E.g. I wasn't able to reconstruct some of the paths and didn't remember all the names of the different areas. Any support/street surveillance appreciated.

closed 3955327 abclop99

Unable to answer "What type of barrier is this?" for via StreetComplete 54.1:

the only barriers are some signs

Attached photo(s):

closed 3835496 EdTeller

Ralph's grocery store.

closed 3653859

Der Reitstall Kollenda ist kein Restaurant sondern ein Pferdestall

open 3616769 Jokobus

The pathes in this area were wrong, resp. outdated. I tried to correct them, yet it is probable that I didn't map everything and forgot something. Can anyone please confirm the changes at this area and add missing features?

closed 853000 Fa7C0N

Via Pisa is a dead end street. It does not connect to Portofino so it can be entered only from Via Grimaldi.

Can anyone confirm this and fix it, Please.

Thank you.

closed 1361170 Zian Choy

has WiFi

open 2742585 Zian Choy

40 mph speed limit sign headed east

closed 3347258 StNimmerlein

Unable to answer "What kind of building is this?" for via StreetComplete 46.0:

Hier ist ein Pfarramt, aber ich finde in der App keine passende Kategorie

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