

Mapper since:
November 04, 2020


Welcome! Bienvenue! Ми́лости про́сим! Velkommen!

learn to map …


….even as a young person!


Or…a…girl . !


tools used by me:

Apps and Websites - mainly for task mapping or detailed tagging

There are others around to map in wider scopes (e.g. JOSM) with some advanced, but learnable knowledge about data structure and tagging behind - you should have a look at the wiki or get in contact with a local group. And there is iD - the built-in editor directly on

for actual data on OSM:

For quality checks, helping out, disaster response and statistics…

my current projects:

  • checking wikipedia/wikidata - contributed by matkoniez on maproulette
  • adding wikidata-tags and linkage to wikipedia to villages in Thüringen

(just for my personal documentation)

already done…

  • Berlin - adding streetdetails with streetcomplete - checked by walking and exploring
  • checked and added street lights in Stade by using pic4review
  • adding wikidata-tags to cities worldwide done with maproulette
  • checked phone-numbers for formatting done with maproulette
  • worked intensely with mapswipe (humanitarian maps)
  • actualization of wikipedia-tags in Germany
  • added wikidata-tags and linkage to wikipedia to villages in Mecklenburg-Vorpommern, Sachsen-Anhalt, Sachsen and other municipalities
  • adding wikidata-tags and linkage to wikipedia and the web for museums in UK
  • TürkiyeEQ060223 disaster response - collapsed buildings
  • mapping Berlin/Oberschöneweide with streetcomplete and iD (my long-term project - done!)
  • added details in Norway/moere og romsdal and Oslo/Gardemoen

need further help?

OSMhelp - a forum for asking any question about OSM


If you wish to support me and my contributions you can do this here:

You are awesome to do so - I’d send you hugs :)