
LakatosVL's Notes

Notes submitted or commented on by LakatosVL

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Id Creator Description Created at Last changed
open 4215553 LakatosVL

Our users indicate that the road name is Avenue Mohammed V instead of Hassan II Avenue . We cannot find any available sources to verify this information. Can any local mappers confirm this? #MSFTOpenMaps.

open 4213930 LakatosVL

Our users indicate the name of the street is "Micheal Ama NNachi crescent". We cannot find any available sources to verify this information. Can any local mappers confirm this? #MSFTOpenMaps.

open 4212856 LakatosVL

Our users indicate "Este callejon se llama comunmente Pasaje Gaboto". We cannot find any available sources to verify this information. Can any local mappers confirm this? #MSFTOpenMaps.

closed 4081842 DareDJ

Our users indicate this street name is: "Lilibet Close". We cannot find any available sources to verify this information. Can any local mapper confirm this? #msftopenmaps

closed 4051346 DareDJ

Our users indicate this street name is: "The Old Dairy". We cannot find any available sources to verify this information. Can any local mappers confirm this? #msftopenmaps

closed 4087330 DareDJ

Our users indicate: "Jones Grove is not connected to Beales Close". We cannot find any available sources to verify this information. Can any local mapper confirm this? #msftopenmaps

closed 4028885 DareDJ

Our users indicate this street name is: "Rua José Modanese". We cannot find any available sources to verify this information. Can any local mappers confirm this? #msftopenmaps

closed 4026243 DareDJ

Our users indicate this street name is: "Rua Marco Aurélio Resende dos Santos". We cannot find any available sources to verify this information. Can any local mappers confirm this? #msftopenmaps

closed 4085887 LakatosVL

Our users indicate "Seattle Housing Authority Central Office" has been moved here from: We cannot find any available sources to verify this information. Can any local mapper confirm this? #msftopenmaps

closed 4142904 LakatosVL

Our users indicate road name is "Rua Brás Cubas". We cannot find any available sources to verify this information. Can any local mappers confirm this? #msftopenmaps

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