1. Added foot path connecting to Ribe Landvej, allowing to cross Pedersholm forest and get to Kongens Kaer (nice for wlaking and running). Position based on mobile gps track, not very accurate

    Closed · #43616061
  2. Edit attributes of pistes (don't show on map?!), added reference website, epeated with all neighbooring pistes

    Closed · #33896987
  3. Mt. Tarn Summit, minor move of the point 50 ft to West, correction of position, better fit with contour lines from OopenCycle

    Closed · #33774788
  4. Mount Tarn Summit, position correction based on field gps data (hand held GPS, please verify with higher accuracy device).Corrected position refers to "true summit",south from the V shape gully.Older point probably refers to P.ta Aguila/Victoria (2verify)

    Closed · #33712358
  5. Added foot path from road end to opening next to Rio Caleta, based on gpx data

    Closed · #33421713