
Marcos Dione's Diary Comments

Diary Comments added by Marcos Dione

Post When Comment

Ok, but on which application or site? OSM provides all the necessary data, but its up the the app or site to use it to show the right text.

Mapping neighborhood common areas

Edit the current polygon if you’re sure that your version is (more) correct. The polygon-and-point is usually used on big areas like tows and cities to mark the ‘neuralgic’ center of the area, typically around the local government’s building/’old town’. See for instance .

Bannau Brycheiniog '23

You will have to tell us what dupes you spot, because I can’t find any, really. Also, I can help you deleting them yourself if you want to learn how.

Postman of Fractal Lane

If you added them recently, OM only updates map data once a month. OsmAnd does too, but if you enable OSM integration, and you edit often enough (the number escapes me), you getbdaily updates. They’re limited, but enough for this kind of things.

Postman of Fractal Lane

none of the navigation application I am using displays this information

I wonder what do you use. Osmand tells me a pharmacy not far from here is open until 19h. Organic Maps show today’s and all open hours, but only after I push up the info tab.

the Map-That-Cannot-Be-Named

You just did? Here:

Google Maps, by comparison…

First day

Hi Russel. There are many ways to contribute. I’ll show you some:

  • StreetComplete (Android) gamifies adding data to the map. The basics is about completing data, but you can enable layers to for instance add new shops. Beware: users report it can be addictive :)
  • OsmAnd (Android, iOS) is a general map app + navigation that also allows adding Points of Interests (POIs; not only shops, but almost anything else you can think of) to the map.
  • The iD editor (web) is the one you get when you go to ant the edit button. It’s probably the most used one. If you get used to this one, is one of the best ways to participate in HOT emergency mapathons like the current one for the Morocco earthquake.
  • The JOSM editor (Windows, Mac, Linux) it’s the heavyweight, full of plugins and very powerful.
  • If you like JOSM, you’ll probably like Vespucci (Android).

Welcome to the map!

signed up

Things you can do:

  • Install StreetComplete, OsmAnd, Organic Maps or OSM Tracker, go out and map :) The first one is good because of you having to find what to map, it’ll show you quests to solve.
  • Open OSM in a zone you know, click the edit button, and start armchair mapping :)
  • Go over the HOT tasks manager and help with current tasks, like Greece’s flood or Marroco’s earthquake. This is slightly advanced, but mot much, they usually ask you to map roads and buildings.
  • Use any of the many channels to contact your nearby community (check the wiki) and get local help.
OSM Revival

Want more? Need more? Here!

(Thanks for helping! :)

A Nice Mapping Trip

Bummer, I was in Antibes too this weekend! And thanks for the EV charging points!

Popular tags around us

damn, I can’t edit or delete the previous comments?

Popular tags around us

I gave it a cleanup and commented it a little:

``` from collections import defaultdict from lxml import etree from pprint import pprint import sys

tag_count: dict[(str, int)] = defaultdict(int) # default value is int() == 0

with open(sys.argv[1], encoding=”utf-8”) as fp: tree = etree.parse(fp) # NOTE: this loads the whole XML in memory, so make sure you use a small extract root = tree.getroot()

root is a node

# child is a , or node # grandchild is , or node for child in root: for grandchild in child: # only process tags if grandchild.tag == 'tag': # decomment this line and comment the next one for counting tag+values # mstring = f"{grandchild.attrib['k']}:{grandchild.attrib['v']}" mstring = grandchild.attrib['k'] tag_count[mstring] = tag_count[mstring] + 1

pprint(tag_count) ```

I added a few shortcuts, like defaultdict, f-strings and pprint :) ah!, and using the script’s first argument as the filename.

Popular tags around us

I gave it a cleanup and commented it a little:

``` from collections import defaultdict from lxml import etree from pprint import pprint import sys

tag_count: dict[(str, int)] = defaultdict(int) # default value is int() == 0

with open(sys.argv[1], encoding=”utf-8”) as fp: tree = etree.parse(fp) # NOTE: this loads the whole XML in memory, so make sure you use a small extract root = tree.getroot()

# root is a <osm> node
# child is a <node>, <way> or <relation> node
# grandchild is <nd>, <memeber> or <tag> node
for child in root:
    for grandchild in child:
        # only process tags
        if grandchild.tag == 'tag':
            # decomment this line and comment the next one for counting tag+values
            # mstring = f"{grandchild.attrib['k']}:{grandchild.attrib['v']}"
            mstring = grandchild.attrib['k']
            tag_count[mstring] = tag_count[mstring] + 1

pprint(tag_count) ```

I added a few shortcuts, like defaultdict, f-strings and pprint :)

Check if POI website is active

I don’t understand that last line:

$ ./ | grep " 403 " > shops-to-update

That would mark sites with (auth) errors as up-to-date?

The results can also be misleading. Old sites could have been bought by a DNS provider, which they usually have a selling page for which you get a 200 or one of the 300s. The tool that @bryceco mentions seems more accurate. It can also be done with bash, and maybe elinks for rendering the page into a text only file.

Popular tags around us

Maybe also exclude building=*?

Create perfect bike route using BRouter and Strava heatmaps

One question, though. The other day I went hiking to Mont Puget and at the top I met two MB’ers. They used this route to descend (so I did):,route-quality&lonlats=5.458561,43.222223;5.454937,43.227905&profile=MTB-light-wet

Is there any router that’s going to tell them that there is a completely impassable section in the middle? The guys had to dismount and take like 30m to descend with their bikes in a vertical position because it was not even much safe to do it with their bike on the shoulder (also, they were e-bikes, so they probably weight too much for that anyway).

Also, is there anything we could improve in the tagging to make a bike router completely ignore this section?

Create perfect bike route using BRouter and Strava heatmaps

Very cool, including all the tips and pitfalls :)

Carega - Piccole Dolomiti

Ciao. Mi dispiacce, ma posso lire l’italiano megliore che posso escribirlo.

It’s strange that many have names. I can’t find a definition of ‘vajo’ (not even sure how to pronounce it, since Italian lacks the J letter? :) or ‘boale’, but ‘canalino’ suggests the names refer to water ways. I would leave them as they are, maybe tag them all as intermittent.

Why what seriously

Did you think about adding your address? Once you’re registered, it’s just a few clicks away.

OCD and Mapping

you only need to put the street number and name

not even the post code.

OCD and Mapping

Do I need to put the city, post code, and state for each address I put in, regardless of whether I know the full address or not?

Depends on the region: for instance, since France is completely split in regions, départements and communes, you only need to put the street number and name.

Do I always need to mark if the place is vegan, vegetarian, air conditioned, smoke free, etc

It helps people looking for those attributes. If you want to do it quickly, you could use StreetComplete (Android), MapComplete (web) or a JOSM preset (dekstop).

Do I need to perfectly realign the buildings using JOSM

I would try to contact the community around the place you want to edit. They will know better which imagery is best for that.

So I guess the question is, how much is too much detail?

I don’t have OCD, so I’m not sure this will help you. But in many places I go POI mapping is really low, so I try to at least add the POI and its name, or if the mapping app does not have the right preset, a note. If time permits (sometimes I’m mapping from the car or bike, waiting for a green light), open hours (see later), then other info. Try to find a balance, see what’s really important for you. To me is having as many POIs as possible. My main tool for this is OsmAnd.