
Money Moustache's Notes

Notes submitted or commented on by Money Moustache

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Id Creator Description Created at Last changed
closed 3772757 Money Moustache

The gate (and driveway) to here say "Easter Cottage" (not Lilly Bank Cottage). Could someone check what the correct name is?

closed 3776840 Money Moustache

Note that parts of the "Nieuwe Universiteitsgebouw" appear to be underground, but on the map it is shown as a single large, tall building. The mapping of the building should be fixed by someone with a better understanding of its layout than I have.

open 3855506 Money Moustache

The satellite imagery suggests that there are not two roads at this point, only one. Perhaps a problem with the Tiger import?

closed 3341873 Money Moustache

Ce panneau d'indications n'existe pas à cette endroit (je n'ai pas pu le trouver sur place). Supprimer ce panneau?

open 3806810 Money Moustache

Dit pad lijkt niet langer te bestaan (komende vanuit het oosten is er geen doorgang). Ik weet niet hoe ver het pad aan de westkant komt (en of het nog bestaat). Het hele westelijke gebied is nu misschien privé.

open 3806063 Money Moustache

Controleer of er hier nog steeds een "meer" is en repareer de tagging.

open 2997323 Money Moustache

There is a kissing gate somewhere on this small section of path, that allows through both pedestrians and bikes. It is somewhat overgrown though. I did not record its precise position, so a survey is needed.

closed 3021787 Money Moustache

Unable to answer "What is the name of this place? (Hotel)" for via StreetComplete 39.0:

Ik kan hier geen hotel vinden...

open 3005500 Money Moustache

Does this building exist? It looks like a parking on the satellite images.

open 3005490 Money Moustache

Is there actually a house here? It doesn't appear on any satellite imagery.

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