
Neky18's Diary

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My First OSM Experience

Posted by Neky18 on 11 February 2023 in English.

Today being the 11th day of February, 2023, I took the decision to join the OSM training after some persuasion from my friends who have been a part of this community. The training this morning opened my eyes to quiet a lot of things as it concerns the global mapping community. Before the commencement of the training, I received a T-shirt and a bag, which made me feel I was already a part of Unique Mappers Network.

I didn’t know what to expect but I can confidently say now that I am glad I took the decision to attend. In the course of the training, it came as a surprise that I was actually interested in what was being done as I started to find it educative and interesting. There were some initial difficulties I experienced especially in learning how to map a community but I didn’t let it deter me.

I gained the knowledge of what Open Street Mapping is all about, being that it deals with the local and global community at large. I learned that Open Street Map is a global map of the world that is open to the people as it is a humanitarian service geared towards helping people in need.

This evening, I joined the zoom meeting of which I gained better clarity on how to map on HOTOSM. We were encouraged towards mapping the disaster struck Turkey as a way to enable search and rescue teams have better access to buildings that may have been struck in the course of the Earthquake.

At the moment, I’ve mapped over a hundred buildings and roads In Turkey and would continue to do so with the knowledge that this is my contribution to community development and a humanitarian service to the world.


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