
Pink Duck's Diary Comments

Diary Comments added by Pink Duck

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Missing Roads - The Missing Manual

There appear to be script errors at in Firefox/Chrome currently.

Tag-only editing with Vespucci

Ah, I see. This may explain the requests for a tag-only editing mode by the others. I appreciate the default node touch region though, and did notice that it still occasionally picked nodes on touch. I would still like the ability to exclude node selection completely on occasion, typically when I’m only surveying pre-mapped house outlines.

Tag-only editing with Vespucci

This is great news for me. It has previously been rather bothersome to add/modify tags on already mapped building outlines, where nodes are typically of no interest, requiring high zoom to override the vertices and select the way.

I am looking library to access OSM data from Visual Studio or Android

OsmAnd ( - Android) has had the ability to announce street names and road numbers since version 1.5, so that might be worth a look.

OpenStreetMap UK: what should we do this year?

My choice would be filling in missing speed limits for the major road network, as can be seen from this useful ITO! Map.

Complex Bus Routes

I don’t get the need to do separate bus route relations per variation of route. What are these being put into OSM for? To visualise where buses go? To be able to correlate a timetable of a particular route at a given time with the route itself? If OSM has sufficient information for bus access permissions then automatic routing could be used to do all this, combined with the NaPTAN stop information. Are there really enough people with enthusiasm to keep such route variations up to date several times a year?

OSM now supports z19

I was pleased to notice that today also. It results in names being displayed beside what were previously only icons and some of the highly detailed areas now become more visible / understandable.

Fed up with abbreviations in tags

asl = Advanced Stop Line office=IT, addr:country=IT, typo for lit? Who knows. The clue is likely in the key name. ngo = Non-Government Organisation

Top 5 tips to start your business

Full proof :)


Pointless spam.

Doing an A-road as a relation

What about two A-roads that share a roundabout? ref=A1;A2 on the roundabout or separate relations for the references?

It is somewhat easier to visualise a relation online than the aggregation of highway ways within a bounding box with a certain tag.

Making OSM data mor compact

Does the farmland and meadow actually meet and overlap the track though? Doesn’t merging nodes obscure the separation of ways useful for later editing selections?

curious stuff

The postman must hate Monteith Row

Perhaps residents swapped homes on the same street and kept their house numbers to avoid needing to notify everyone of their change of address, except the postman. Perhaps homes 53 and 55 were merged into a single property. Or perhaps someone switched the house number numbers around for a prank.

Christmas Lights

Happy Spammy Christmas

New in Open Street Map


1,074,201 things to do for OpenStreetMap, literally.

There seems to be a large number of highlighted segments that are attached to highway=service closed-ways with area=yes. The routing does not seem able to use highway=track, tracktype=grade1.

Update OpenStreetMap's OS Street View instance

Thank you for this wonderfully helpful advance.

Yue, you did a little difficult beats


Dark secret room made of stone rebirth difficult beats
