1. Updated the surrounding area - added drinking fountains, removed a non-existing hotel (it's placed in the middle of a playground)

    Closed · #123845660
  2. Updated the English and Russian names of the street to the name of the Georgian writer it's named after (taken from Wikipedia). Also, made is same as in Google Maps and other maps.

    Closed · #123845509
  3. Added mirror to the map.

    Closed · #123735809
  4. Updated the image.

    Closed · #123735750
  5. Added some changes to the bookstore and the house that it is a part of.

    Closed · #123735708
  6. Added a bookstore that I own to the map and tried to fill in all the necessary details. Also added the building it's hosted in to the map, as well as marked a specific part of where my shop is.

    Closed · #123735454
  7. The embassy has been moved to another place - see their website for the new address confirmation -https://www.gov.kz/memleket/entities/mfa-tbilisi?lang=en#:~:text=0160%20Tbilisi%2C%20%2377%20Lvovi%20str.

    Closed · #123727547