
ShielaxForbes's Diary

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Well Spent Days on CWTS++

Posted by ShielaxForbes on 24 October 2018 in English.

From the very start of our CWTS++, the edits that I have made along my neighborhood was adding houses that are not mapped yet. I also added house numbers, but some of them does not display theirs, so I was not able to put the house numbers of all the houses along my neighborhood that I have mapped. I also have noticed that there were no names on some streets so I named it since I am very familiar on the area that I am mapping. I also added points on buildings such as fast food, convenience store, stationery store, church and basketball court. Lastly, I added pathways and tagged a road that does not have an exit. The editor that I used is JOSM. On collecting the street imagery, I used mapillary to take some photos around my neighborhood to show the pathways that are accessible but not seen on the map. I used fieldpapers as tool to help me to map while I am walking along my neighborhood to write down the points, name of the points, houses, house numbers, and pathways.

CWTS++ is such a great experience. To be honest, I don’t have any idea that everyone can add data on the map. I thought it is a limited access and it’s only for experts. The great thing about osm is that it allows everyone to learn and to explore. I gives freedom for all of us. I can still remember the day when we were still applying on CWTS++, I wrote there that I want to learn something new. And there it is, I really learned a lot, not just on mapping but also to socialize with my classmates and other section. All I can say is that CWTS++ is worth to attend to. All the days that I attended were all well spent days.

Nostalgic Mapping

Posted by ShielaxForbes on 30 August 2018 in English. Last updated on 31 August 2018.

Last week, I went outside and walk around our neighborhood to do the assignment that was given to us by our instructor which is mapping our neighborhood. I thought it will be easy since it is around my neighborhood and all I have to do is to add buildings and put a tag such as sari-sari store, school supplies, etc., but it wasn’t. I think as a beginner, it was really hard because I have to count all the houses on every street to be able to make it right and accurate though I know mine was not that accurate at all. I added names on the streets which are not on the map and also putted some pathways which are technically shortcuts. I also did wrote some of the house numbers and one of our basketball court which is not on the map. When I was halfway on mapping, I just realized something. I realized that it’s been a while since I went on a walk along our neighborhood. I remembered some of my childhood friends which I was playing with when I was still little. I remembered the games we played, all the laugh that we shared and all the fights that I went through haha. Well I guess this assignment made me feel nostalgic and was fun :)