1. Added a connector since cars do not need to go through the additional security checkpoint building. Also flagged both ways through the LVIS gate as trucks only while construction is ongoing.

    Closed · #132681371
  2. Adjusted speed limits

    Closed · #131120765
  3. Fixed road connections to navigate to new Ramstein Air Base east gate. Previous connections would not allow access onto the outer ring of the roundabout. Also broke out the access to the medical center construction area. Also designated access to service

    Closed · #131120711
  4. Minor road type updates.

    Closed · #131119548
  5. Re-added some roads but left them with improved connections inside of the east gate. Flagged them as unusable since the RAB east gate is closed. Also re-added road that will eventually lead the medical center but also flagged that road as closed.

    Closed · #131119515
  6. Fix speed limits

    Closed · #131114760
  7. Fixed location names

    Closed · #131114020
  8. The old Ramstein Air Base east gate was closed in 2022. All traffic is now routed the new gate just to the north of the old gate.

    Closed · #131113864