
Tallguy's Diary Comments

Diary Comments added by Tallguy

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Sustainable Travel Expenses Resolution – Request for Support

I support this being considered at the AGM, but would not agree its approval in its current state - I think Mikel, and others, have made valid comments here.

Validation feedback can provide important social affirmation

Martin, Thank you for all your work on this - I don’t envy you reading and categorizing all those messages! For me, I think the biggest surprise is that even negative feedback is a sort of ‘positive’. The important message seems to be, there needs to be a message! Keep up the good work - it’s really great to have such a professional assessment. Regards Nick

Hello HOT !

Hi & Welcome,

I’m sure you will enjoy the experience, and there are many of us that are willing to help to make sure that everything goes well.
I’m part of the team that maintains LearnOSM - there is a section within it at but that needs a serious review / rewrite or ?
If I can help in any way, let me know - I’m based in the UK.

Good luck & enjoy!

Nick (Tallguy)


Welcome Rekth.

I’m one of the people that updates LearnOSM, used by some as a way of learning about using the TM.

Feel free to contact me if you think I can help in any way.

Nick (Tallguy)

Piste Maps on Garmin

Hi, I'd be interested if someone is doing this. I'm not too great on the technical skills so tend to do the mapping & hope someone develops something I'm capable of using.
Nick (Tallguy)

Durham, Maidstone, Dartford & Swanley review

Probably bad description by me - I'm actually mainly interested in the national cycle routes, more specifically NCN1 & the 'North Sea Cycle Route'. My wife & I are cycling the route in stages. We will be South of Durham again in May, cycling away from Whitby, but will also have a car in the area.
Have had a quick look at the mapping you have done of Durham & it looks pretty good to me.
If there is something I can do to help in one of my trips I will do what I can, and a mapping party in June sounds interesting, depending on the dates.