
WN6's Notes

Notes submitted or commented on by WN6

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Id Creator Description Created at Last changed
closed 4051578 WN6

building addr:*

closed 4051579 WN6

building addr :*

closed 3898299 Andre_Kotez

Lots of houses are missing here

open 4034985 WN6

Separation from roads

It is acceptable to map landuse to stop at the boundary of roads, and it is also acceptable for landuse to overlap road area on roads where the right of way is not significant enough to warrant a break in the landuse area.
It is strongly discouraged to glue landuse to road lines. Glued landuse makes the data much harder to work with. It is better to have the landuse boundary stop at the edge of the road, the edge of right of way, or overlap the road completely.

 Using highway centrelines

Another approach that some mappers have taken is to either draw land use polygons that extend over the public highway sharing nodes with highway centrelines, or to fragment the highway network and create land use areas from relations of the fragments. While this results in less drawn geometry subsequent editing is more complicated. This increases the risk of damaging not only the land use areas but also the highway network. It is also less accurate, extending adjoining land uses over land that is dedicated to the public highway.

open 3339581 MelbourneGirl

This passage is a one-way passage for cars. The cars must drive from Ave de Colmar toward Rue du Saule. The entre the other away might incur a fine.

closed 3438326 QuentinLab68

Université populaire 19

via StreetComplete 49.0

closed 2826824


closed 3115496

Suite à un changement administratif de nom de certaines rues, l allée des oliviers est devenue : allée des noisetiers. L Ancien chemin de st jean de garguier est devenu : chemin de st jean

closed 3926141

Le trajet vélo suggéré en deuxième position pour la recherche Qwant Maps ci-dessous (via le sentier des 2 aiguilles) ne me semble pas réaliste en vélo, car la descente de la Sainte Victoire par ce sentier qui passe par le Garagaï (aka Grotte des Hirondelles) et le pas de l'éléphant est déjà compliquée en randonnée pédestre. Peut être besoin de retoucher cela, ainsi que d'autres trajets passant par le haut de la Sainte Victoire en vélo.

Si besoin, vous pouvez visualiser ce chemin sur le site suivant :

Merci et continuez !

closed 2579102 djakk

Cheminement piéton possible entre la petite rue et la maison de la Sainte-Victoire

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