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WilliamHarrison's Notes

Notes submitted or commented on by WilliamHarrison

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Id Creator Description Created at Last changed
closed 4229274 WilliamHarrison

is there a sto p sign here? road markings are there for it but can't seem to identify one.

closed 4230316 WilliamHarrison

is this bridge accessible by car?

open 4229232 WilliamHarrison

are there any stop / yield signs on this road? maybe looks like a yield sign but cannot confirm.

closed 3982695 WilliamHarrison

Need confirmation that this road is still accessible after the recent sidewalk expansion.

closed 3972062 WilliamHarrison

road splits off into 2 between these intersections

open 3973677 WilliamHarrison

multiple unmapped paths and errors

open 3954881 WilliamHarrison

Eski / very old data

closed 1542367 Umit Kilic

"yeri yanlış "
The place has gone or never existed. This is an auto-generated note from MAPS.ME application: a user reports a POI that is visible on a map (which can be outdated), but cannot be found on the ground.
POI name: Sema Market
POI types: shop-convenience
OSM data version: 2018-08-04T14:22:01Z

closed 3392770


closed 2117399 PhysicsArmature

Sand or Grass. The area's around here are showing grass. If you ask this question to someone in North Dakota, they might say Satellite looks like Desert. If you ask someone in Arizona, they might say Grass. Whatever the decision is, it should probably be publicly declared in a way so future mappers can see it.

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