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aarthy's Notes

Notes submitted or commented on by aarthy

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Id Creator Description Created at Last changed
closed 469204 aarthy

I cannot find many roads to trace, can some local mapper help me out here?

Thank you!

closed 479446 aarthy

Is there a post office in this area?

Thank you

closed 416617 aarthy

There seems to be a chain here, can cars pass through this region?

closed 412800 aarthy

Can anyone check if this college has vacated these premises?

closed 497966 aarthy

According to user feedback,
"Vehicles can turn left from 355 here, (heading north) or right(heading south). But, Vehicles heading east on Executive can only turn right."

The road that allows users to turn left from 355 has already been mapped on OSM. However, it is unclear what the user means by "Vehicles heading east on Executive can only turn right"?

Do they mean turn right on "Woodglen drive"?

Thank you!

closed 492431 aarthy


Could someone please confirm if this is Nathan road or Bishopgate road?

closed 485996 aarthy

Can someone please verify if this is the park of economic activities?

Thank you!

closed 487622 aarthy

Can someone verify if this is the location of Sanantonio panama metromall?

Thank you!

closed 435687 aarthy

Hey! Can someone please verify if this is a oneway?

closed 462561 aarthy

Hey! Can someone tell me the name of this residential area?

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