
darkonus's Diary Comments

Diary Comments added by darkonus

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On Toponyms

I stumbled upon your post by chance, and I must say I completely resonate with your thoughts. Like you, I’ve been documenting local place names in several towns. Initially, I only knew a few, but after talking to several people, I discovered there are many more. Just like in your case, only a few toponyms are reflected in the official street names, while most of these names are slowly being forgotten.

Another interesting fact is that sometimes these toponyms are so “tiny” that different parts of the same street have their own names. For example, a village with five official street names has nine micro-toponyms that people constantly use in conversations at shops, markets, and so on.

Sometimes, I even came across mentions of these toponyms in the local press. Headlines like “Planned repair of the heating network will start in the ‘Bayraki’ microdistrict on May 10th” show how widespread these names are among locals, even though they don’t have any official status. Another time, I found a mention of a locality name in the transcript of a court hearing about a minor theft, which both surprised and amused me. It’s fascinating to see how deeply ingrained these names are in the local culture and everyday life, even making their way into official announcements and legal documents.

It’s a wonderful and valuable effort in preserving the history of the town. Keep up the great work!

How to properly install JOSM on a Mac with Apple Silicon

and thanks for your comments, I wrote in the text of the JDKs that were recommended by the JOSM developers

How to properly install JOSM on a Mac with Apple Silicon

Hi keepright! ler,

I’m so glad the instructions in my diary post helped you install JOSM and get it running well on your iMac M1.

I noticed that if you make the JOSM window smaller or reduce the display resolution, the performance improves even more. But these are compromises that may not suit everyone.

Elevate Your JOSM Experience on MacOS with Dark Mode

Unfortunately, the FlatLaf theme does not switch from white to dark automatically. Even worse, after changing the theme to another one, you have to restart JOSM.

My guide for those who just want a consistent dark theme in JOSM on MacOS.

Elevate Your JOSM Experience on MacOS with Dark Mode

vorpalblade, thank you! All of your notes are valuable. I just didn’t want to focus on the details.

As for me, it would be great to have a universal dmg with both x86 and Apple Silicon support. But as far as I understand, this is not possible yet.

So far, I’m using the azul JDK and the following script to run JOSM.

OpenStreetMap in Mission Impossible

Oh, I didn’t know about this wiki page. Someone already noticed this map before I did. Thank you, LuxuryCoop!

Experimenting with OpenStreetMap Data History Visualization using GPT-4

WarpathPeacock, I asked him to write a simple website with index.html, styles.css, and scripts.js files. The script would take data from the data.js file and generate a table. After that, I would describe my ideas to him in plain language and he would correct the code that would display the table. Eventually, we came up with this result. It took us half a day. That’s all :)

How to properly install JOSM on a Mac with Apple Silicon

Joel D Reid, thanks for the comment! It’s easier for me to use Homebrew too.

How to properly install JOSM on a Mac with Apple Silicon

vorpalblade-kaart, this is an important notice. Thank you!

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