
fiveisalive's Diary

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Washington and Lee University in Lexington, VA and environs

Posted by fiveisalive on 5 September 2013 in English. Last updated on 6 September 2013.

On a recent trip to Virginia, I stayed in Lexington for a while, so I took the opportunity to map the WLU campus, which was entirely missing except for a POI and a few POIs representing the buildings. It’s not complete, but I’d estimate about 90% of the buildings and about 50% of the paths and green space done. It still needs more of the downtown/retail to be mapped and more landuse polygons. Hope this inspires other’s to help complete the mapping here.

Location: West Lexington, Lexington, Virginia, 24450, United States

massDOT and I have completed the cleanup of the town and county boundary relations (including the offshore portions) for the whole of Massachusetts. We’d appreciate help checking that all the relations are complete, links to the relations are on the Massachusetts/Boundary Relations wiki page.

Location: Bulfinch Triangle, West End, Boston, Suffolk County, Massachusetts, United States

I’ve started with massDOT to cleanup the offshore town and county boundary relations in Massachusetts. Our plan is to use the offshore portions of the town boundary layer without coasts and connect them up with the existing town boundary layer from survey points which is up to date but lacks the offshore layers.

At the same time, we will add the relevant county relations to this newly imported ways. Suffolk County is more or less complete, I am planning to do counties north, and massDOT counties south of Suffolk. Anyone else interested, we can co-ordinate on the Massachusetts/Boundary Relations Talk page.

Location: Jeffries Point, East Boston, Boston, Suffolk County, Massachusetts, 02128, United States

Seems that the names on polygons (and some points) that also have an icon (such as amenity=library and such) are disappearing from the mapnik layer.

Case in point:

Last week this rendered fine with both the library and the name "Robbins Library", but since the tile was re-rendered the name disappeared. This is also happening with new tagged polygons.

Reported on:

(the ticket that created the icons in the first place). Anyone else seeing this?

Location: East Arlington, Arlington, Middlesex County, Massachusetts, 02474, United States