
flaimo's Diary Comments

Diary Comments added by flaimo

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Top OSM Rank: Who are these crazy, amazing people?

i’m in that list and i am definitely not a bot :-)

Delays in OpenCycleMap updating

now that the tileserver for the main mapnik map got a hardware upgrade and is really fast, why can't that server take some of the load, maybe by rendering or serving the tiles?

my take on a refactored access tagging scheme

since i use the access namespace in the proposal, i don't have to worry about backward compatibility. i used this change to phrase some keys (or in this case called modifiers) to be more neutral, since they can also be used for defining conditions. that is also why "opening_hours" isn't called "opening_hours" but rather "time" because used in combination with a condition it could also be interpreted as "closed_hours".

my take on a refactored access tagging scheme

1) there need to be different separators than just the ":" otherwise parsers would never be able to differentiate between the different parts, without always keeping up to date lists of the access tree, conditions and modifiers.
2) every day there are questions popping up like "how do i tag access restriction xyz IF its wet/winter/dark/…". you can't keep simple tags and at the same time cover conditions. at some point you have to define some sort of "if" in either the key or value field. i decided to go with the key field. if you got a better solution that is easier to read without loosing functionality, than please post them to the comments of the proposal. also don't forget that access restrictions are probably the most complicated thing to tag in OSM, because they are complicated by themselves already.
3) i will add dusk/dawn
4) heavy goods vehicle (hgv) isn't used anymore. according to it is called large good vehicle (lgv)
5) only if you come from a programming background you might confuse the "!" with a NOT operator. most people are not programmers. please post suggestions for a better symbol to the wiki comments. one symbol that might be possible is the "#" symbol, since i replaced that one with the "." symbol for modifiers.

my take on a refactored access tagging scheme

that is not a new kind of notation for proposal. that is the normal opening_hours syntax already in use:

Wie soll man blos Schwimbäder tagen?

leisure=swimming_pool wird (in mapnik) gerendert…

Mapping individual parking spaces

you don't need to start a new proposal because i started one for the exact same reason a couple of days ago:

i will move the status from draft to RFC on the weekend, but everybody feel to add your thoughts in the comments starting now.

can't login at

there realty seems to be a bug in trac when using passwords that contain special characters. i tried registering a new account with plain ascii characters as a password and i can login with that one.

can't login at

could it be that has problems with the special characters in my password? i use a random-string-pw generated by keepass.

can't login at

is the general login at also case sensitive? because obviously i was able to login, otherwise i couldn't have written this blog post.

cookies and javascript are enabled for all of

st. marienkirchen gemappt

also im copyright steht 2010, so alt können sie daher nicht sein und am land ändert sich so schnell auch nichts. tagesaktuell wird es sowieso nie spielen. abgesehen davon war in dem bereich vorher orte eingezeichnet wo keine einzige straße hingeführt hat. da erachte ich alles im vergleich zum status quo als verbesserung. wenn wirklich was falsch sein sollte, kanns ein mapper aus der gegend ja ausbessern. aber irgendwo muss man mal anfangen.


i will add my thoughts to the xapi wiki discussion page…


if you use iLOE you need to know the name and possible values of tags which is not very user friendly. it's something for people who are already mappers and know their way around. i had something smaller in mind for people who are not mapping all the time and therefore don't know all the tags listed in the wiki. also i see it as an exercise for me for learning objective-c.

Bus and other relations

actually the new mapping scheme makes roles unnecessary:

ich bin detail-fetischist:

für meinen geschmack könnten die bilder noch eine bessere auflösung haben, sodass man in städten wenigstens gehwege von der normalen fahrbahn unterscheiden kann. wäre für ein potentielles rollstuhl-routing unbedingt erforderlich.

fustrated with Potlatch

is there a copy/paste function in josm like there is in potlatch using the R key?


i think that football is better choise. only because the US and australia use "soccer", doesn't mean that everyone else on this planet has to change the term because of them. what's next? using miles and cups for measuring only because they use it, while the rest of world uses the metric system?

i'm for "football" (soccer), "american_football" and "rugby".


gibt es eigentlich pläne das erstellen und verwalten von presets etwas benutzerfreundlicher zu gestalten? xml-hacken ist ja nicht selbstverständlich. ich würde mir eine funktion wünschen wo ich einen node, way oder relation markiere und einfach über einen menüpunkt sagen kann "save current tags as preset". ich vergebe dann nur mehr einen namen und gebe ggf über eine checkbox an, ob nur die tags oder auch die values mitgespeichert werden sollen.

Unberechtigt parkende Fahrräder....

hm, ich mach das bei den radständern, die bei mitshäusern angebracht sind eigentlich die ganze seit schon mit access=permissive (und überdachte radständer die mit einem gitter versehen sind mit access=private)

Unberechtigt parkende Fahrräder....

hm, ich mach das bei den radständern, die bei mitshäusern angebracht sind eigentlich die ganze seit schon mit access=permissive (und überdachte radständer die mit einem gitter versehen sind mit access=private)