
hitzelbe's Diary Comments

Diary Comments added by hitzelbe

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Improving my home town map

Thanks, Sanderd17,

for your friendly welcome here.
The more I look at the details of my home town, the more I find details one could add - based of course on the existing lots of stuff others have already done. The speed limits and adresses represent, as you say, a lot of work. Right now, I'm focusing on missing pathes and residential roads and their names. An interesting exemple where my local knowledge is probably advantagous is
This road is connected at both ends to the neighboring roads - in Bing, one of those connections is absolutely "invinvible". Its a really narrow connection between two houses - but it exists. I´ve been there...
BTW speed limits: The example you have given is complicated to map: There is a 30 km/h speed limitation that is only valid on work days (MO-SA in Germany) from 7am to 5pm. Otherwise, its 50. I don't know yet how to map this. Other issue I have as a rookie: the correct classification of roads and their surfaces is a mess (for me)
compdude is probably right - at least with respect to me: there is some work to do..
It's more complicated than I thought - but I'll do my best..