1. more specifications for pedestians, cyclists and even motorcars + informations about bridges + smaller changes relative to local relations

    Closed · #45698110
  2. more specifications for pedestians, cyclists and even motorcars + informations about bridges + smaller changes relative to road contruction and road relocation

    Closed · #45697338
  3. more specifications for pedestians, cyclists and even motorcars + informations about bridges + smaller changes relative to road contruction and road relocation

    Closed · #45686869
  4. smaller changes relative to road contruction and road relocation - for pedestrian and motorcars

    Closed · #45667024
  5. minor detials: road construction relevant + local details

    Closed · #45605482
  6. minor detials: road construction relevant + local details

    Closed · #45604498
  7. some details added to my home city

    Closed · #45562071
  8. another small minor changes from my german surrioundings

    Closed · #45522299
  9. one small minor change from my german surrioundings

    Closed · #45521877
  10. some minor changes and details added (footways + some road connections) - some changes have to do with road constructions since Jan 2017.

    Closed · #45520378
  11. Since January 2017 due to extensive road constructions on nearby roads - in approx 1,5 yeas will be there a huge circular intersection (roundabout) and relocation of 1st class motorway Nr 62

    Closed · #45506679
  12. type of the bridge changed to highway=footway

    Closed · #45324348
  13. Bridge is closed for motor vehicles since Jan 2017 (emergency vehicles only) due to extensive road constructions on nearby roads - in mid 2018 will be there a huge circular intersection (roundabout) and relocation of 1st class motorway Nr 62

    Closed · #45301400
  14. Railway underpass missing - is important por pedestrians not only during the nearby road constructions (relocation of the 1st class motorway Nr 62)

    Closed · #45301238
  15. Bridge demolished on Jan 2017 due to extensive road constructions on nearby roads - in approx 1,5 yeas will be there a huge circular intersection (roundabout) and relocation of 1st class motorway Nr 62

    Closed · #45301044
  16. Bridge demolished on Jan 2017 due to extensive road constructions on nearby roads - in approx 1,5 yeas will be there a huge circular intersection (roundabout) and relocation of 1st class motorway Nr 62

    Closed · #45300440
  17. MIssing alley to sport-free time areas and pedestrian connection to ramps of bridge "Budovatelu" - so called "New Bridge"

    Closed · #45299861
  18. MIssing alley to sport-free time areas and pedestrian connection to ramps of bridge "Budovatelu" - so called "New Bridge"

    Closed · #45299588