
kanoalgiz's Diary Comments

Diary Comments added by kanoalgiz

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Newbie mapper's whining, joy and fear

Thank you for the links! Bike/scooter for recording tracks sounds nice, but, I suppose, only if I will using those tracks without uploading to OSM as public tracks. Here, cycling on roads is not so safe, people usually do that on walkways, so those tracks definitely will be shifted comparing to existing ones and can confuse OSM users if they think those were recorded on roads too =) I just thought that tracks from just one person should not be relied on (especially if all person can use is a smartphone gps) and all I can do is make a small contribution to available data - and, as the dataset grows, all tracks can be approximated and used as a reference. If that point of view is too modest - when, I think, I can even record when I travel by foot (which at least can help with my district, where almost all streets have 0 tracks). Thank you again!