
michalfabik's Diary Comments

Diary Comments added by michalfabik

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An Attempt at Fixing Name Tags in the Republic of Srpska

Yeah, that was one of the options in the vote but it wasn’t very popular. I wouldn’t have a problem with that personally but I’m a little afraid that a lot of people would see that as a mistake and keep adding the name=*. Is this approach used anywhere in the world?

لااعرف ماهذا لكن السلام عليكم

وعليك السلام, يا نزال. خريطة الشارع المفتوحة هي خريطة العالم التي تتكون من بيانات حرّة والتي يمكن كل أحد تعديلها, مثل ويكيبيديا تقريبا

Bye bye, mapping

Hi, can you give an example of such a revert?

I think I did something useful

> Land mines in north western Africa for instance. Dangerous suburbs in South America.

The obvious difference here is that while the dangerousness of a city quarter if subjective, the fact that an area is marked as a minefield is quite objective. The mapper wouldn’t be speculating whether there are in fact any mines or how densely they are planted - if there’s a red skull-and-crossbones sign saying “DANGER - MINES”, I see no reason why it shouldn’t be mapped. My main problem with mapping minefields is that I usually only see one side of it and don’t go around the whole area to survey its extent and shape. Currently, I’m not aware of a way of saying “there’s a minefield to the left of this road”. How about having a side-aware way (like cliff or retaining wall) and treat is as an unclosed polygon? Sure, it would appear broken and it wouldn’t be very useful for any automated processing but if somebody needed the data and went looking for it, at least there would be something.

Arabic Document Translation Services

Great! You can start translating the wiki:

Sigh. Now it is _主管Q (“_SupervisorQ”) Spammers

Universally sites prevent spam by preventing anonymous posts
Next, common practice to restrict spam is to give new users restricted rights + place their posts into moderation (meaning all new-user posts are hidden & supervised by humans before release to the public)

Hi alexkemp,
Are CAPTCHAs not effective any more? It strikes me as odd that you never mention them when you’re writing about preventing spam. (Pardon my ignorance, I’m a complete layman when it comes to web administration.)

BTW, I find your diary posts highly interesting, keep up the good work!

Departing Turkmenistan in June

Thank you so much for your brilliant work. Wherever you go next, I hope your diary will be as interesting and enjoyable as the one from Turkmenistan.


ماذا تريد أن تفعل في خريطة السعودية؟

انه اسوأ موقع خرائط يمكن التعامل معه

لماذا تظن هذا؟

اعتماد اللغة العربية

أنا آسف لأني لا أتكلم العربية جيدا, لكن سأحاول إجابة ملاحظاتك:‏
أولا, يمكن إدخال بيانات (أسماء محلية وغيرها) بأي لغة إلى الخريطة وأيضا يمكن عرض الخريطة بأي لغة, مثل هل يمكن أن تعرض بعض الأخطاء التي كتبت عنها؟ إن التصحيح سهل جدا.‏

ثانيا, أنت بالحق أنه لا توجد طبقة الأقمار الصناعية على, لكن هذا الموقع هو عرض أساسي لقاعدة البيانات فقط. ربما توجد هناك مواقع أو برامج أخرى تستخدم بيانات OSM وتجمع بينها وصور الأقمار الصناعية من مصادر أخرى. لماذا تحتاج لى ذلك الصور بالتحديد؟ قي سبيل المثل, يوجد مشروع Mapillary, مشابه لGoogle Street View تُستخدم الصور منه في بعض البرامج للملاحة, مثل OsmAnd. ربما يكفي هذا لإحتياجاتك؟

ثلاثا, حفظ الأماكن سهل جدا في كل برامج تستخدم بيانات OSM, مثل, الأكثر شعبية منها. إنها وظيفة أساسية.‏


مرحبا, يا جوال. كيف حال مجتمع او اس ام في السعودية؟ (أنا آسف, أنا أتعلم العربية منذ سنة ولا أستطيع ان أكتب أو أتكلم جيدا بعد.)

navrh na vylepšeni

ad hmotnost, viz a, obecněji v

Ad automatické vkládání tras do map: Tohle nepůjde. Třeba editor JOSM dokonce dost důrazně varuje, pokud se např. pokusíš .gpx trasu konvertovat na OSM way. Je to (předpokládám) proto, že kvůli nepřesnostem GPS bude takto nahraná trasa vždycky více nebo méně zubatá a nebude odpovídat ani jen skutečné trase pohybu, nemluvě o skutečném tvaru komunikace v terénu. Můžeš si nahrávat trasy GPSkou, pak si je otevřít v editoru a obkreslit je.

Hospitals in Bosnia

Znam, jutros sam ih parfemisao:P

Fotbalové hřiště Hýskov

Ahoj, to je tohle a chceš tam doplnit údaj, že je hřiště travnaté?

Balkan matters

@Richard: I don’t think this particular user deserves a ban. He’s quite experienced and did quite a lot of work, as far as I could see. I could only find two or three similar edits by him and he doesn’t seem to vandalize work of other users, it’s just that he got a little, shall we say, too emotional. Thanks for pointing out DWG though, I actually might have more than this to discuss with them.

@SomeoneElse: Thanks for the info, I’ll email you as soon as I find some time to write stuff down in a little more detail.

Start of #SweetsyDoha

I have noticed that currently Google Maps has a more up-to-date satellite of the area.

Make sure you don’t copy anything from it. It’s forbidden due to copyright.

small river

this reminds me of a similar problem in OsmAnd: the section of the Miljacka between this bridge and this bridge only gets rendered as a thin line. (It looks fine on This is strange because the riverbank polygon stretches further beyond either bridge. I haven’t checked other renderers. Has anybody else seen anything like this this anywhere else?

Supportive Contribution

Again? Are you saying it was great once but now it isn’t great any more? :)

Work on some notes!

Some people don’t like how easy it is for some apps ( to add notes, and complain about the amount of useless notes. […] There shouldn’t be barriers and gatekeepers.

I think there should be a requirement to at least fill in some information. There’s loads of notes that don’t contain any useful information at all, besides the default text. I’m thinking of some short form with combo boxes/multiple choice questions that the submitter would have to fill in to be allowed to submit the note:

What’s wrong with the map?
* A feature is missing from the map.
* A feature is mapped but it’s attributes are inaccurate/outdated.
* A feature is mapped but its position is inaccurate.
* A feature is mapped but its shape is inaccurate.
* A feature is mapped but it’s no longer here IRL.

How did you find out?
* I visited the place in person.
* Somebody told me.
* The map looks wrong.

How do you suggest that we fix the issue?
[freeform text here]

(Obviously, this is just to illustrate the general idea, so don’t quote me on that.)

I believe this wouldn’t introduce any barriers to speak of (much less gatekeepers) and it might help to curb obvious nonsense a little (the kind of notes in the middle of a random square in Moscow that just say “hotel in moscow” in Arabic, or similar). OTOH, I wouldn’t be surprised if I’m just being naive and it wouldn’t make any difference at all. *shrug*

Rendering of Muslim cemeteries

@Richard, @rorym: Thanks for pointing that out, I opened an issue there and it looks promising.