
morb_au's Diary Comments

Diary Comments added by morb_au

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Gold Coast, Queensland: New rail extension opens to Varsity Lakes

I spent about 15 minutes on site (it took 2.5 hours to get there thanks to the stupidity of running the shuttle train from Robina *2 minutes* before the train from Brisbane came in). Went out to the junction of the roads that service the carpark and the bus stop. Not much further due to fair skin and midday sun.

So nearmap assisted with the "heavy lifting" but the site visit confirmed a few things best observed on the horizontal (e.g. the blade sign for the bus stop, and a mobile telephony tower).

The bridge immediately south of the station is also now open for traffic - I could see it crossing - but it wasn't immediately clear to me how it was joined up at each end. I've decided to wait till the next nearmap run to fill in that detail.

Nearmap, meet Potlatch, meet OSM data, meet Nearmap

Well there you go, if you need some buildings added to a particular area, just make a diary entry like the above. Thanks guys! (-:

"someone else" did not make "a diary entry" because they are too busy mapping against the new dataset. Think Homer Simpson and the way he elegantly eats his food.

Queensland Mappers Rejoice! - Cadastre geometry now available

Which errors?

Deleting Unnamed Roads

Definitely leave them in. I might be trying to *find* a townhouse in one of those complexes one day...