
naoliv's Diary Comments

Diary Comments added by naoliv

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Looking for indigenous boundary maps for Mato Grosso do Sul, Brazil!!!

É bom ver algumas coisas como e caso tenha interesse de participar da comunidade.

Mapeamento do Largo São João e Igreja Matriz de Laranjal Paulista em vídeo

Quanto tempo levou isso, Igor?

Maps Update: 17th of April

By Brazil_South Region_West you mean which region/area exactly, please?

2k changesets e meus 5 anos de OSM

Você não sabia que o nome dele é Santa Mariense, Blademir?

2k changesets e meus 5 anos de OSM


Motorway Junction Node Placement

Sorry to say that, but option 3 is actually terrible.

"OSM go" - Impressions

The images are broken

2017 Board Election Statistics

Oh my… only now I am seeing that I wrote “Dave” :-( Really sorry for this, David.

But it starts to get stranger (for me, at least) if we count all the possibilities
432*2 = 48 it seems? (if we count the last option as one last candidate or empty vote)

2017 Board Election Statistics

If I didn’t mess how to interpret the data, I saw that the most voted sequence was:

  • 49 persons voted Heather as first option and Joost as second

10% of the votes with the same sequence is strange for me.

Then the second most voted sequence:

  • 36 persons voted Heather as first, Joost as second and David as third

So the two most voted sequences didn’t include Paul.

Then the third most voted sequence had:

  • 32 persons voted Paul as first, Joost as second and David as third.

Fourth and fifth most voted sequence had:

  • 22 votes for Joost, Paul, Dave, Heather
  • 22 votes for Paul, Joost, Dave, Heather

ie, no Heather or Heather as the last option.

Pokemon Go now uses OSM

Also see

The only phone that doesn't like cobblestone

Images are broken :-/

Landuse import - is there one done right?

The only landuse import done right is the one that has not been done? ;-)

Projeto Cocal do Sul

Mnemocinesis, em quantas pessoas vocês vão fazer esse mapeamento?

Mapeamento Parque de Exposições - Rondonópolis-MT/BR

Ficou bom, Ivaldo.
Você irá no evento?
Pergunto pela possibilidade de mapear outros elementos que não dá para fazer apenas pela imagem, como bebedouros de água, banheiros, bancos, lixeiras, etc.

Eu tenho, você não tem

Interessante o violão. Não tinha visto ainda.

Eu tenho, você não tem

Carlos, está atualizando só com o diff diário? (o daily)

BOUNTY: identify changesets where street names were inserted

@ImreSamu I will send you a message

@andygol @jinalfoflia Yes, I already took a look at
While it gives some related results with what I need, it’s necessary to post-process/scrap the data from it.

BOUNTY: identify changesets where street names were inserted

@ImreSamu I will need it since the beggining :-)

It also needs to be continuously updated (so some code/script/etc will be necessary here).
Or at least be able to generate the data on demand (for a specific user, or date range, if possible).

And it seems to be going the right way here.

taginfo: pub vs. place_of_worship


pub: 2504
bar: 2812
place_of_worship: 12756

People misunderstand pub and bar here, so I guess we should sum both.
pub + bar: 5316 vs place_of_worship: 12756

Micromapping gone wrong

My wild guess: it was an import