
smaprs's Diary Comments

Diary Comments added by smaprs

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Stop this Leadership Nonsense

What I’ve seen in those years is that OSM value increased a lot. If it was a proprietary data base, it would worth billions.

So it seems natural start to hear about that of “governance”, etc, etc… Obviously many would like to take the wheel. Obviously many private corporations as well as governments would like to have a way to influence in OSM. Obviously there is a huge unbalanced representation in OSM as well as in OSMF. Because OSM values much more today. Many people in ant works made that value to grow. No that it’s grown, many particulars want to controll the product.

Vetorização semi-automática de matas densas com Sentinel-2

Olá Marcos, de fato o objetivos é que poderia auxiliar muito em mapear coberturas de terreno.
-O problema maior é alcançar um método de classificação automática para o país todo. Sem precisar muitos ajustes cada vez.
Aí tem que usar métodos mais complexos, como sugerido em
-Todo modo, tem que ser validado visualmente se for o caso de pretender fazer upload. Manual. Ainda assim, ganharia tempo.
-Por outro lado, já existe um extenso mapeamento das coberturas de solo, para o país todo, feito pelo mapbiomas:
O método deles também tem suas limitações, e generalizações talvez até maiores. Mas é aplicável para o país todo.
Talvez valeria mais a pena, sim, tentar conseguir licença deles para copiar o material deles (, tal-e-qual, para gerar polígonos para o OSM.
Ver notas em:ção_de_matas_com_Sentinel-2

How to highlight high-precision GPX traces?

You’re right! I’ve swalloed that decimal
10m in 15 years! :-o

How to highlight high-precision GPX traces?

The correction of images is made by the providers of the URLs. Perhaps Bing and DG may have that doccumented. OSM don’t change that.
I’ve read that, for the continental plates, Australian plate is the fastest moving,~7mm/year, wich means that in 15 years it will be displaced by 1m. I imagine that for self-driving cars 1m may be a great difference, from driving in the correct lane to driving in the contrary. OSM already has 14 years. So much of the vectors have already some displacement. Software may compensate this for some time without changing the vectors, but one day it will probably need a major correction. But the greatest danger ever for trafffic still is the existence of that left-hand driving.

Never mapping walking dunes

Big Red Dune, Queensland, Australia. Unfortunatelly to that scale it just can be seen with Sentinel-2_L1C 10m/px images, wich are more recent 2016-2019; can’t get older dates; nor see enough detail with Landsat older images. Anyway, found no movement (the slight movement is a displacement of the images). Seems these sands are heavier :); so that music festival can keep happening… Big Red, Queensland, Australia

Never mapping walking dunes

Cool the bash, I’ll examine if/how the “big red” is moving and soon post a gif here, thanks! :)
It’s easy to do a gif with Landsat there has the oldest sets of images, but also can easily switch and mix with more recent of Sentinel, so to take a larger range of dates.

Never mapping walking dunes

Sure, that’s why I’ve marked “individual” dunes. And not mandatory (the word “never” was an hyperbolic speech). Actualy, the limits of such geographically distinct ecosystems or features can (should, perhaps) be mapped (if one desires to map them), as a whole feature, even though internally changing. As they can usually be represented in geography. Just like people don’t use to map individual trees in a wood. Although it’s always possible for a distinct individual to be mapped.
On the other hand, the case of moving glaciers somehow differs from moving dunes since the shape of a glacier is rather constant, due to be confined to the rocky chanel they sculpt for themselves, which endures as much as the mountains that contains them, for geological times. Dunes are much smaller than glaciers, and not as confined. They tend to keep their shapes for some time, even without a visible confinement (that’s an interesting phenomenon), but you can see in the images they can’t keep much long. The local area they happen as a group, this is much more constant. But no problem if someone wishes to map each dune of the Sahara as individuals. Just will have to keep them updated xD.

How to highlight high-precision GPX traces?

Wow, great achievement, that really deserves a plugin to be implemented!

On the utility of Sentinel-2 satellite images

I forgot to mention, it also can be downloaded from free of charges, full tiles.

No advertising for signing for accounts here, sinnce Sentinel hub already gently offered free access for us to use it as a built in layer JOSM, see ticket. Just to spread it, make information known for other users is not bad. Actualy the point here is that it’s a problem that the only way till now is from an account. Hope we just need to find a way to implement a built in lik for JOSM for everybody using. But I know nothing on programming.

I ll see the link you provided. Thanks. Important to consider the resolution. Sentinel hub is up to 10m. If that is, fine.

24 hours to rebalance the OSM Foundation's governance

Thank you Guillaume. If I join OSMF next year will suggest a table of members per country shown in the sub page of members in its website. Also the link of osmf talk to be visible in the list of all talks. Not a good signal it’s not publicly visible for ordinary OSMers. All the other talk lists are visible. Seems hiding from common mappers.

24 hours to rebalance the OSM Foundation's governance

Hi, please, i’ve tried to see that information of “In the last few days, 17 employees from a single US company have joined”. Where can I find this? Or just the list of osmf members by country, by year? Where did you see that? Thanks. Sérgio / smaprs.

Minicurso Cartografia e Mapeamento UFES

Olá Umberto, ótima iniciativa. Porém há inúmeros problemas com várias edições. Inclusive com a remoção da etiqueta de “universidade” da área da UFES, aqui:
O OpenStreetMap é uma base de dados em tempo real.
Toda edição feita sobre ele, como estas, fica gravada e imediatamente online para todos os milhões de seus usuários, afetando diretamente em vários aplicativos de navegação. Isto significa que erros também passam imediatamente para os usuários finais.
Seria importante que pudéssemos ajudá-los, para poder corrigir estas edições, bem como a futuras aulas de Cartografia e Mapeamento UFES sobre o OSM.
Você pode entrar em contato com a comunidade OpenStreetMap do Brasil
pelos seguintes canais:
lista de email:
Há grupo da comunidade OpenStreetMap do Brasil no Espírito Santo também.
Atenciosamente, Sérgio, colaborador da comunidade OpenStreetMap do Brasil

Data import process into OpenStreetMap

Hi, nice practical advices to be in a check list. I remember another one: when using other file formats as sources, such as shapefile, always convert Coordinate Reference System (CRS) to EPSG:4326 - WGS84.

Vetorização semi-automática de matas densas com Sentinel-2

Obrigado Tomio, ainda vou mexer, complementar, mais no processo pra afinar mais algumas coisas. Aqui neste post mesmo. Vi que em outros biomas / tipo de vegetação, tem que alterar um pouco o próprio processo, tipo de compensação nas imagens, filtragem, etc; além de ter que alterar os limites de classes em nova área/imagem. Ainda assim ganha tempo se for desenhar 100x100km (que é a área de uma imagem Sentinel) no mesmo grau de precisão de ~1nó/10m.

posting screen shots (rendered in Microsoft Paint) in "New Diary Entry"

Hi, if you have problems with image links, you also can just post the URL of the OSM map location, or the object specifically, that you want to show.
map url:
object utl:

Mapeamento da minha área

Que bom! Seja bem-vinda.
Mais informações você pode encontrar na comunidade OSM do Brasil:

Mapeando cidades do Estado do Piauí

Legal Francisko,
se ajudar, talvez possas encontrar mais mapas de municípios para baixar direto do site oficial do IBGE:

Tem que dar alguma uma fuçada pra escavar o que encontrar, e ter os códigos dos municípios que estejam somente com numeração sem nome.

2k changesets e meus 5 anos de OSM

O verdadeiro nome do santa é Ramón Antonio Estebán Gómez de Valdés y Castillo Sobriño.
Pronto, falei.

Community Mapping with the Elderly

Wonderful! I just could understand the title and the pictures, but that was enough to catch the content. Great work.

Locais onde falta mapeamento no Brasil - máscara KML para iD e JOSM

Falou, valeu. Usem à vontade e por favor divulguem pra quem procura.