
stev's Diary Comments

Diary Comments added by stev

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Tree named pubs of London

I’m a big fan of tree mapping - so would be up for a mapping party or even trying to visualise tree trees by type! I think it would be an interesting app and possibly get some publicity, I have tagged some species where possible! This is hard work though for those of us who aren’t botanists.

OSM Node Density 2014


I’m writing a thesis on whether Hadoop / other “big data” tools might be useful to analyse OSM data ( so this is the sort of operation that it would be great to compare. If you have any further details about how you did it I would be much obliged.



Mapping Havana, Cuba

I actually have some tracks from a year or so ago that I got through surrupticiously bringing in a data logger to the country. Mainly of Pinar del Rio province. Guess I should get around to uploading them!