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tibob's Diary

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Depuis quelques jours, josm permet d'afficher les coordonnées projetées au lieu de la latitude et la longitude. C'est bien pratique pour caler un plan cadastral sans croisillons.
J'ai mis les instructions à jour sur le wiki :

Convert osm data to poi : osm2poi

Posted by tibob on 4 December 2009 in English.

As I needed some extra POI (DM supermarkets in Germany) in my GPS (Tomtom One), I started developing a small python script that reads an osm xml file and produces POI files from its content : osm2poi

The work is still in progress, but as it is already usable to produce openlayer compatible files, I released version 0.1 today. If you want to try, you can download it on . You will need Python and python-xml (and also gpsbabel to produce .kml files). I did not test it on windows (yet).

Comments, wishes and help are welcome ;-)