
tomczk's Diary Comments

Diary Comments added by tomczk

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Maplibre + Protomaps: now's the time to get involved!

It’s nice that Maplibre updated their docs regarding sprites. During Mapbox times I discovered that there was such a thing as SDF but it was utterly undocumented.

Some time ago due to lack of available sprites with icons I made so I could have some icons that I could use for testing at least.

It’s great that you provided all those suggestions to authors I wanted to create an issue with Maplibre to suggest better documentation for sprites but never found the time and later forgot 😅

Simple demo app that analyses OSM changeset data (and why modern file formats are cool)

Thanks. Your dashboard looks very nice.

Was curious how did you handle assigning countries to changesets. Seems like you get centroid of changeset and reverse geocode it and get country from that. I would have tried either assigning all countries intersecting changeset or only adding countries to changesets that are completely within the borders (maybe with some buffer). Or going full H3 route. Maybe I’ll try it in the future.

Simple demo app that analyses OSM changeset data (and why modern file formats are cool)

Thanks, I knew they had planet dump converted to ORC in AWS PD bucket but did not know that there was changeset data as well.

Unfortunately it’s all in ORC format which DuckDB does not support natively at the moment :(

I think I could use e.g. Arrow to read it but didn’t delve very deep into their documentation and at first glance it seems like much more work to get the same result: not having to load entire file into memory.

An open letter to OSMF board members concerning problems with OpenStreetMap-Carto

Maybe talk to the EWG folks, as they have this topic on their agenda anyway:

I guess it’s understandable that Engineering group looks at it mainly from technical point of view but I feel like they missed the point of the frustration. It is not about rendering parcel lockers. It is about governance model of carto and lack of clear project goals. It’s a people/process problem not a technical problem. I guess making the technology so people don’t need to communicate and everyone can have their own map is some solution but I don’t think it’s the best one.

In addition, maybe get in touch with OWG, as they’re looking into vector tiles right now, see … A key resource from planetiler already joined that discussion. I believe this was one of the projects mentioned on one of your screenshots.

To be honest I am not sure what anyone can do to expedite it. From the checkboxes in issue description it seems that they need to configure CDN - only OWG can do that. There is no communication on progress, status, blockers or anything else. Last post from 23rd of March. I guess we’ll just need to wait until someone finds the time and finishes the setup 🤷

Openstreetmap-Carto – Democracy Or anarchy?

Imagico claims that he can ignore accepted proposals Yes, passing a proposal does not obligate OSM Carto to render it.

The context was not that accepted proposal entitles feature to be rendered.

He said that he can completely ignore new tagging because people voting for it doesn’t make it law (anybody can do anything they want when tagging) so considering tags that have been approved is worthless and only feature count is important even if community agreed to change the way a feature is tagged.

Openstreetmap-Carto – Democracy Or anarchy?

@matheusgomesms I completely agree. Telling people to just fork it or to do everything themselves is not just lazy but harmful to the project. More professionalism is needed.

Openstreetmap-Carto – Democracy Or anarchy?

It seems like for many people “democracy == direct democracy”.

While direct democracy probably wouldn’t work very well in this case and it would end up being a design by committee, I believe a representative democracy could work quite well.

It is not undemocratic to elect a person to make all the decisions in some matter.

What differentiates democracy from autocracy is accountability. If people are unhappy with an elected representative they can dismiss them and elect different person. In case of autocracies people can’t easily make changes. In case of software projects this can mean a hard fork.

What we have in openstreetmap-carto is closer to autocracy because they are not responsible to neither OSMF nor community (despite being the default style).

There are no processes to voice protest and have it seriously considered. If you complain to maintainers … well they are the ones you are complaining about so guess how well that is going to work. If you complain to OSMF they will tell you that:

The OSMF “supports, but does not control” the OSM project. This also means “we don’t tell people how to map”.

and that if you don’t like it you can fork and make your own project.

OpenStreetMap is not a software project, software is used to run in but it’s about data. The important thing (data) is made by the community and that makes community the most important part of OSM. If people get discouraged and go away there will be no one to update the data and project will stagnate and eventually die. That’s why community deserves to be listened to.

When someone complained about getting doxxed the maintainers and OSMF ignored it. Imagico claims that he can ignore accepted proposals since they have no authority) or that maintainers don’t consider adding features as important. There is no accountability.

This may work for small open source projects but OpenStreetMap is no longer a small project and being the default map style that everyone sees on the main page means they are not small either.

It’s not about getting my thing rendered, there are many complaints from many people about many things, just see posts above, see these threads on OSM World discord: example 1 example 2. It’s clear that there is a problem and we should focus on how to fix it not dismiss it.

Openstreetmap-Carto – Democracy Or anarchy?

@ZeLonewolf the thing about carto is that it is the default style on and it’s the first and in many cases the only style that people see. In my opinion this makes it a part of OSM core infrastructure. Because of that I believe maintainers should be responsible to the community and OSMF.

Deprecated or duplicate tagging schemes in use are not critical issues

Duplicated tags with the same meaning. For data consumer it is not a big issue. It is a bit annoying,(…)

These annoyances stack up and at some point you as a data consumer start asking yourself “is it even worth trying to use OSM data?”.

Many ways of mapping presence of bike path or sidewalk is a good example of something gets complicated fast.

I could agree that it may not be CRITICAL issue but I wouldn’t push it outside top 10.

The more complicated it is to use any given dataset the less likely it is that it will be used.