
wardmuylaert's Notes

Notes submitted or commented on by wardmuylaert

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Id Creator Description Created at Last changed
closed 4037019 wardmuylaert

Needs survey for street names

open 1799882 wardmuylaert

Someone with some time in the area should go check out this path and the others in this forest. I tried to pass by during a run, coming from the north side, and found the path just ended in wilderness.

open 3815492 wardmuylaert

I just mapped Fulton Township, Lancaster County using GIS data from the Lancaster County website. I noticed that that GIS data places the border to not include this peninsula while OSM mapped border does include it for Lancaster County. I decided to follow the existing mapped border for the Township, but I think the county border validity should be double checked, perhaps using PA level county data. I did not want to adjust the county borders without more fact checking.

open 4177893 wardmuylaert

Passeerde langs dit punt en hier was een fence en gate dat leek alsof deel van de Robbrechtstraat naar het westen toe privéterrein was. Mogelijk was er plek tussen de twee percelen, maar dat zag er uit als hellend schuine kant en overgroeid. Heb ik iets over het hoofd gezien of is er toch een connectie? Was tijdens het lopen, dus niet de wil om te lang rond te kijken.

Ik zet de note zodat iemand die wel in de buurt woont mss wat meer op het gemak kan surveyen :)

closed 4175880 wardmuylaert

Unable to answer "Who is allowed to use this playground?" – Playground – via StreetComplete 57.1:

Geen speeltuintje

open 4015633 wardmuylaert

Aerial seems to show some path heading into the woods, dunno how far it goes though.

closed 3700762 wardmuylaert

Looked like some apartment area got added (or at least some change to the layout?)

open 3522425 wardmuylaert

Some trails in Warwick County Park can be mapped as relation routes. Would make it look better on apps/websites that display those such as waymarkedtrails. See the park's website ( and the map they provide (

closed 3797471 wardmuylaert

There is supposed to be a looping trail in this forest area that connects back to art school road further west of here. I have a picture of a map of trails in this area, but cannot make out enough details on the picture. Needs to be surveyed.

closed 3522345 wardmuylaert

Aerial imagery seems to indicate hints of an informal path + an opening in the fence here which would connect the trail to the residential roads just south of it. To be surveyed.

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