
zluuzki's Diary Comments

Diary Comments added by zluuzki

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Careful with Microsofts low quality buildings

In the United States, MS Building Footprints are from Bing. If the Bing imagery is good, the buildings are very good and often way better than hand-traced ones, if the imagery is bad, the buildings are often too.

My Plans for future Mapping

Building mapping: Do you know about the Rapid-Editor?

This is an modified version of the normal iD-Editor, and it puts an overlay with AI-generated buildings over the editing area. You can select buildings, check if they are accurate and press “A” to copy them into the map and upload them. This is so much faster than tracing manually and the quality of the buildings is in urban areas with high-resolution Bing imagery very good. The building footprints are generated by Microsoft and have been donated to OSM.

If you want, i can also upload these buildings in St. Louis for you (will be manually checked through).

UX/UI Concept: Your Business on the Map

These oversized legs look horrible. But the rest is good!

Jackson County, GA FHWA Highway Functional Classification System

Well, now you can go ahead and delete hundreds of nonexisting tiger trash ways that you changed to “unclassified”. gendert nun also schon im Hauptmenü.

Eine eigene Übersetzung erstellen, um ein vernünftiges Deutsch zu bekommen? Wie wäre es, wenn man die Sterne (inkl Doppelpunkte, Unterstriche und sonstigem Quatsch) aus der normalen Deutsch-Version entfernt (sind grammatikalisch schließlich völlig falsch) und stattdessen ein Fork mit grammatikalisch falschem Genderdeutsch erstellt, wenn man das für so wichtig hält?