1. Deleted a footpath that wasn't there. I thought it was, but I bothered to actually look outside, and I remembered the beaten path being more... Well, beaten.

    Closed · #63736015
  2. I adjusted some roads, bodies of water and my house. I also added a beaten path between my house and the guest house, even though it doesn't seem to be visible on the map's low resolution. It's listing the footpath as disconnected. IDK Why.

    Closed · #63695899
  3. I made some previous changes mainly for the sake of pokemon go. Came back to remove unnecessary names and descriptions and expand the forest area. Also adjusted the pond area, adjusted some roads and removed a body of water that wasn't there.

    Closed · #63648600
  4. I only came here to make pokemon spawn in pokemon go, but I don't think it's inaccurate. The stable I would actually call a corral, but that wasn't on the list. Except for golden corral. Lol.

    Closed · #63628547