1. Fixed Natural Wood (Forest) around Gabriola Garden Homes. Added basic info to Gabriola Garden Homes + parking lot.

    Closed · #149293251
  2. Added & edited parking spaces + parking aisle in Nanaimo Regional General Hospital. Also modified minor stuff such as crosswalks & grass.

    Closed · #148617458
  3. Added line around the Grassland to set relation to Natural Wood as inner. (Made a hole in the forest for the Grassland as there is no forest in the Grassland.)

    Closed · #148615495
  4. Smoothed out trails + Honeysuckle Lane; added grassland, stop sign, driveway, info, minor position edits.

    Closed · #148615132
  5. Added Indian restaurant + info, roads + parking info, corrected road positions, corrected retail area position + info, other minor objects.

    Closed · #148572488
  6. Modified Front Street near the Nanaimo Harbour Ferry Terminal. Made bike lane better, added area for road, bike, & traffic calming. Mostly bike lane stuff.

    Closed · #145010465
  7. More sidewalks, curbs, parking, roads, crossings. The normal stuff.

    Closed · #143874854
  8. Testing the Rapid Editor. Added some roads and buildings. Not much else.

    Closed · #143845994
  9. Info, speed hump, stop node, crossing (node & line), better parking lot shape, parking lot, foot paths, curbs (lowered & raised), parking aisles, building location, footway area.

    Closed · #143844122
  10. 2 driveways, 2 trees, 2 fences, 2 gates, 3 buildings, 1 house, 2 stop signs, and info/tags.

    Closed · #143281200
  11. Edited a parking lot at BC Ferries Nanaimo Harbour Ferry Terminal.

    Closed · #142721546
  12. Improved the shape of Nanaimo District Secondary School, added a tiny bit of info, added a grass area, speed hump (node+line), a bit of sidewalk & path, 2 crossings (node+line), 1 main entrance for the school, improved the shape of the main driveway. ツ⛥

    Closed · #141042064
  13. Modified and added: sidewalks, roads, crossings, paths, footway area, playground, trash bin, parking, around Nanaimo North Town Centre, Rutherford McDonald's, and Long Lake Plaza.

    Closed · #140507504
  14. Added and modified things at Nanaimo Harbour Ferry Terminal. Also modified compass rose.

    Closed · #140472679
  15. Added some parking, and some minor stuff.

    Closed · #139157009
  16. Lots of work and imporvements made to the BC Ferries Nanaimo Harbour Ferry Terminal . Info added for Gabriola Island Ferry Terminal. Nanaimo Harbour work: waiting room, some parking, many ferry lanes, "roads", minor POIs, toll booth, ticket seller.

    Closed · #139145428
  17. Added info to for 1515 Dufferin Cres. and added Wellington Medical Clinic+info.

    Closed · #139059246
  18. Added the contruction site of the Midtown Gateway Project and some info for it.

    Closed · #139056718
  19. Modified some tiolets and a park.

    Closed · #139055288
  20. Altrusa Venture Park: paths, 1 bollard, 1 fence, 1 footway area, 2 accessible parking spaces, 2 speed bumps, 2 planters. Modified some other stuff too. Not much otherwise.

    Closed · #138792093
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