1. Info to our 3 houses (hamlet Casa Lodi).Info about our B&B. I I changed the road that was marked wrong. I added the track that goes down from our B&B down to the nearest official CAI waling track number 670.

    Closed · #39640352
  2. Info to our 3 houses (hamlet Casa Lodi).Info about our B&B. I I changed the road that was marked wrong. I added the track that goes down from our B&B down to the nearest official CAI waling track number 670.

    Closed · #39640223
  3. I added info to our 3 houses (hamlet Casa Lodi). I Added info about our B&B (La Fossa)

    Closed · #39639724
  4. I add info to our 3 houses (hamlet Casa Lodi)

    Closed · #39638857