1. Added road to Carolus Clusiuslaan 3a,b,c,d,e. Changed Carolus Clusiuslaan d to e and b to a,b and c to c,d. Do not know how to remove forest and municiple boundries. 3a,b,c,d,e are in Voorhout though.

    Closed · #59788680
  2. There are obstacles to stop cars from passing through. After those obstacles there is a swing gate with a chain on to stop bicycle or pedestrians from passing. You have to take the road past the bridge after Carolus Clusius 5 to get to 3a,b,c,d,e.

    Closed · #59787932
  3. There is currently no house at Leidsevaart 7, it is all demolished. But they might build a new one. For now it's just sand.

    Closed · #59777643
  4. Change streetname from vivaldipark to strausspark as that street has a namesign with strausspark not vivaldipark.

    Closed · #59777351
  5. Heb gesloopt gebouw verwijderd bij Hageveldhof 1 en de rotonde aan het einde van hageveldhof residential gemaakt..

    Closed · #58955666
  6. Heb rotonde aan het einde van Hageveldhof toegevoegd en gebied van farmland naar residential gemaakt.

    Closed · #58954470
  7. Removed the demolished farm at rijnsburgerweg 8 and added the street Hageveldhof and house Hageveldhof 7

    Closed · #58898856
  8. Added two new roads Vivaldipark and Strausspark.

    Closed · #58898533
  9. Added website and company names on nijverheidsweg. Als put the point at the entry point of the building. So you can see where the entry is of the building.

    Closed · #25543358
  10. (no comment)

    Closed · #25543291
  11. (no comment)

    Closed · #25541148