1. Tested adding a new Train Station point at existing station building in Chazy, NY for TrainLord

    Closed · #115696024
  2. Reverted Train Station at Albany Rensselaer to Train Stopping Location as it did not register within TrainLord

    Closed · #115695813
  3. Updated Train Stopping Location at Albany Rensselaer to Train Station as there was no registered train station within TrainLord

    Closed · #115695760
  4. Deleted Addition of Lake Placid point on track as it was unable to work within TrainLord

    Closed · #115695626
  5. Addition for the sake of the operation of the MMORPG TrainLord. It wasn't registering points in the middle of nowhere as train stations, however, it was registering points on rail lines as stations. I have made a point on the line for Lake Placid.

    Closed · #115695546