1. Modified the street types to better reflect that they are dirt roads/paths meant for walking and cycling, and only permitted vehicles under special circumstances can use them for a limit time and purpose. Also the area is made up of seasonal cottages. The

    Closed · #129419244
  2. Fixing errors in pathways and some boundaries around the Hurst Way dog park as well as adding more specific information to a Storm Retention Basin at Waverly and Kenaston.

    Closed · #128016592
  3. Added the width of the abandoned runway in Mould Bay

    Closed · #127587645
  4. Added proper name of the park.

    Closed · #126877137
  5. Corrected the actual boundary between the residential area and the pond. There is NO frontage between the houses and the lake.

    Closed · #126877110
  6. Added residence at 8998 Barker Rd., Port Alberni, BC. Also properly labelled Barker Rd.

    Closed · #126876898