1. Shortened N Garland to reflect actual length. As you can see on the map, the "remainder" of N Garland is wooded--a ghost street. It is not navigable.

    Closed · #150044941
  2. The portion of "Liberty Street" behind the gate belongs to the Port of KC and is not open to the public.

    Closed · #145017475
  3. The portion of "State Street" behind the gate is the Port of Kansas City's Woodswether Terminal. It is not open to the public.

    Closed · #145017448
  4. This portion of Madison Avenue is currently cordoned off and appears to have been private/out of use for some time.

    Closed · #145017409
  5. This is an underground office complex and storage facility, accessible only via a narrow entrance and exit ramp designed for cars, then a relatively narrow tunnel. It is not safe for runners, cyclists, or anyone else who isn't in a car.

    Closed · #145017368
  6. This is a gated community, accessible via keypad. Non-residents do not have access.

    Closed · #145017282
  7. Most of "139th Street" is now a driveway for a landscaping company, which can be seen at the end of the street. The gate indicated here was closed and locked when I attempted to run the street on 12/9.

    Closed · #145017186
  8. Most of "138th Street" is part of a Smithfield processing facility that is gated and not open to the public. (I confirmed with a security guard while running on 12/9.) I added the gate and marked everything behind the gate private.

    Closed · #145017112