1. Crossing Rande bridge (just to the first exit in the North side) and motorway sections around Vigo is toll free. I modified them to unmark them as "toll road", but maybe there are more ways to access the motorway in the surrounding area without tolls.

    Closed · #71946738
  2. It is possible to cross Pontevedra both ways North/South via this motorway without paying tolls, so I modified these sections to unmark them as "toll road", but maybe there are more ways to access the motorway in the surrounding area without paying tolls.

    Closed · #71946266
  3. It is possible to cross Pontevedra both ways North/South via this motorway without paying tolls, so I modified these sections to unmark them as "toll road", but maybe there are more ways to access the motorway in the surrounding area without paying tolls.

    Closed · #71304857
  4. It is possible to cross Pontevedra both ways North/South via this motorway without paying tolls, so I modified these sections to unmark them as "toll road", but maybe there are more ways to access the motorway in the surrounding area without paying tolls.

    Closed · #71304622
  5. Crossing Ponte de Rande bridge and arriving to Vigo does not require to pay toll, if you arrive from Cangas/Moanha or N-554 and go through "Rotonda de Domaio" (and same in the opposite direction).

    Closed · #71303450
  6. Crossing Ponte de Rande bridge and arriving to Vigo does not require to pay toll, if you arrive from Cangas/Moanha or N-554 and go through "Rotonda de Domaio" (and same in the opposite direction).

    Closed · #71303351
  7. Crossing Ponte de Rande bridge does not require to pay toll, if you arrive from Cangas/Moanha or N-554 and go through "Rotonda de Domaio"

    Closed · #71303206
  8. Sentido único cara o Oeste

    Closed · #43292544
  9. Engadir segmento de estrada que faltava, estando desunidos afecta aos navegadores / planificadores de rotas

    Closed · #43089237
  10. Usar nome principal / galego da Rua da Gaivota

    Closed · #43089113
  11. Proibido virar à esquerda desde Martínez Garrido à Rua da Gaivota

    Closed · #43089068
  12. Modificado sentido (dobre) da parte leste da Rua do Xílgaro, sentido único (oeste) da parte central, e modificado nome da Rua do Estorninho (usar nome principal / galego)

    Closed · #43088989
  13. Modificado sentido da parte norte do Caminho do Sobreiro (sentido único)

    Closed · #43088860