1. Amended walkway through Green Gate passage to show it correctly and added a note highlighting that it is open during business hours only. Path through Blenheim Rise and car park amended to show connects with rear entrance to green gate passage for clarity

    Closed · #51939922
  2. Moved bus stop 'Wakefield Road' to correct loaction on Broad Lane N15. Removed non existent bus stop by Tottenham Gereen East. Added 'footpath/walkway' between Blenheim Rise and Tottenham High Road, added Green Gate Passage mini shopping arcade.

    Closed · #51921558
  3. Moved bus stop 'Wakefield Road' to correct loaction on Broad Lane N15. Removed non existent bus stop by Tottenham Gereen East. Added 'footpath/walkway' between Blenheim Rise and Tottenham High Road, via Green Gate Passage mini shopping arcade

    Closed · #51921419