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根据wiki,landuse=religious用于标注整座庙宇的占地,而amenity=place_of_worship用于标注实际进行礼拜所用的建筑、广场等。然而,Carto图层只会对后者渲染名称和宗教种类图标。在西方,教堂、清真寺等往往是一栋大建筑,于是只要给他加上amenity=place_of_worship,就能顺利把名称和一个图标显示在地图上了。然而,东亚的宗教场所大多是多栋殿宇、房屋组成的院落,各有其名,其中并没有一个直接冠以该宗教场所名称的主体建筑。 这就导致,按照wiki要求标注的话,Carto图层上根本看不到寺院的名称,而如果画了建筑的话,会看到密密麻麻的宗教图标(每栋殿堂一个),没画的话则连宗教图标都没有。


该标签用于标注游乐设施,其中attraction=animal用于标注动物园的展区。根据wiki,attraction=不是tourism=attraction的子项,不用加tourism=attraction,iD的预设也是单独的标签。 但在Carto图层中,单独的attraction=是不渲染的。这导致很多编辑者标注游乐设施时同时加了tourism=attraction。


我是在画农场时遇到的。据wiki,二者分别用来标记用于生产的和用于研究或学术目的的农场。有的农场有明确的围墙包围了田地和院落,只把名字写在landuse=farmyard区域不甚妥当。但把名称写在这两个标签上的话,在Carto图层是看不到这里有农场的。 此外,自然还有别的许多研究所也都不渲染出来。


Comment from imagico on 4 May 2024 at 13:08

You should note that all of the tags you mention (except for place=farm) have been discussed on the OSM-Carto issue tracker in some form in the past. You can find the issues where this happened/happens by searching for the tags there.

Comment from 真中あお on 5 May 2024 at 19:22

Thanks to imagico for the introduction to the discussions at github.

I also know that most of these issues have already been discussed, however, I’m not optimistic about when these discussions will be taken up.

On the other hand, as you probably know, some mappers may suspect that they have made a mistake in their mapping if the submitted data isn’t rendered, and may even change the tags to something else that doesn’t fit, but rendered, to make them stand out on the Carto layer. Therefore, before these rendering ”features“ of Carto layers are changed, I would like to use this article to list such cases in Chinese, so that the Chinese community can be aware that these cases are caused by Carto layers, and to remind me and everyone else pay attention to and avoid possible ”tagging for the renderer“.

(The above is a machine translated version of the following Chinese.)





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