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4rch's Diary Comments

Diary Comments added by 4rch

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Castle ruine

The Tagging was incorrect (the castle was just marked as “ruins”), I’ve improved the tagging.

The international style doesn’t show castles: The German style shows castles:


Please don’t merge highways as long as you’re not 100% sure that you won’t damage anything. Highways are splitted because of different attributes and route relations.

For example the whole highway is now marked as bridge due to your merge:

New road style for the Default map style - highway=path is evil

I like the idea to drop the blue and green rendering for motorways/trunks. In some places such roads are nearly invisible, especially the green trunk roads.

New road style for the Default map style - the first version

@Nakaner: You’re wrong, Most trunks in Germany have a speed limit. Some highway=trunk aren’t even “Kraftfahrstraßen”.

New road style for the Default map style - the first version

It seems that there’s no distinction between highway=trunk and highway=motorway? There’s a huge difference between those two road types in Germany and the new rendering which treats them equal would be missleading.

philippines satellite image

You can try to use Mapbox Imagery instead of Bing. Sometimes they have images which where taken at a different date.

There are also other possibilities how you can map new roads. If you have an GPS device (Smartphone, Garmin, etc.) you can record GPS tracks. You can upload those tracks to OpenStreetMap and use them for mapping. Here are some guidelines:

Weitere Tests mit OSMAND (Android) Fahrspurassistenz

@glibbertorsten Geschwindigkeitsbeschränkungen (maxspeed) bitte nur eintragen, falls diese auch ausgeschildert sind. Keine “gefühlten” Höchstgeschwindigkeiten o.Ä.

Mapping im Norden Nicaraguas: Ein kleines Urlaubsprojekt

Für Objekte mit mehreren Namen gibt es den Key “alt_name”:


Stadtteilgrenzen Gallus

Abfrage der Stadtteilgrenze Gallus:

–> Reiter “Export” –> Daten (gpx/kml/…) oder Karte (png)

Einträge erscheinen auch nach über 14 Tagen nicht

Hallo, das deutschsprachige Forum ist hier zu finden:

Zum eigentlichen Thema: nicht alles was in die Datenbank eingetragen wird, wird auch auf der Hauptkarte angezeigt. Rechtsanwälte und andere Dienstleister zählen zu den Dingen die momentan nicht angezeigt werden. Es existieren aber Überlegungen, diese in Zukunft auch auf der Hauptkarte anzuzeigen. Ob und wann diese allerdings umgesetzt wird ist ungewiss.

Über die Suchfunktion kann die Kanzlei aber gefunden werden:

Hier eine Karte die OpenStreetMap-Daten nutzt, die die Kanzlei anzeigt:

Ok, so I am a bit tired now

Yes, this could be dangerous and only works in areas where there are only right angled buildings.

It could also infringe the mechanical edit policy:

But when you use it only for buildings you’ve created in a small area this should be no problem in my opinion.

Ok, so I am a bit tired now

It’s no big problem to modify the already created buildings: Download the area you want to modify in JOSM - Press CTRL + F - type in “building=yes” into the search window - select the option “select all objects which do contain the above mentioned key” (the option should sound like this, I can’t check it out at the moment) - press Q –> this modifies all selected objects –> Upload it

Ok, so I am a bit tired now

JOSM also offers some very helpful plugins.

“utilsplugin2” is a must have ;) “buildings_tools” makes drawing buildings much easier.

When you press “Q” in JOSM the geometries (buildings, etc.) get a right angle.

First Diary: Minor Fruit and Question

Ok, good, I thought mentioning the legal situation would be good. Personally I can’t tell you more about the law as chinese law doesn’t apply to me because I live in Germany.

The China Railway wikipage wasn’t updated since 2012. I think there are much more railway lines in the OSM database than mentioned in the Wiki.

Here you can find a map which is specialized on railways (based on OSM data):

First Diary: Minor Fruit and Question

rendering should work fast on high zoom levels. Press “F5” on the browser page to refresh your cache.

First Diary: Minor Fruit and Question

Wow, nice work! We need more mapper like you in China! ;) But please be careful:

Wasser in OpenStreetMap

So ganz einig ist man sich da nicht, ob man den Fluss durch den See hindurchzeichnet oder an den Rändern enden lässt:

Es gibt im Netz eine Karte zu den Flussgebieten in Europa die auch mit Flüsse die nicht durch den See gezeichnet wurden umgehen kann:


Zur Straßenklassifizierung solltest du beachten.

Bei Wasserwegen dürften die folgenden Tags hilfreich sein: * mit intermittent=yes/no werden nicht immer wasserführende Gewässer bezeichnet. * Wadi: waterway=wadi -

State Parks and National Parks

Yes, you’re right. But in my opinion the definition of boundary=national_park is very vague though.

State parks seem to have different IUCN levels so they aren’t even comparable among themselves.

Personally i like the approach of boundary=protected_area as it could deal with many special cases in different countries. e.g. due to the usage of protection_title= Unfortunately it isn’t rendered yet:

No matter what key you choose, I’d propose to add “protect_class” and “protection_title=state park”.

State Parks and National Parks

I don’t know the laws in the US but state parks seem to be something different than national parks.

In Germany and many other countries boundary=national_park is only used for national parks which have IUCN Category II.

You could check the IUCN Category for each park here:

For other protected areas there exist different tags: